Detentions and Interventions

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"Harry you wanna come for a game of quidditch," Ron and Ginny asked him as he sat in the common room with his head in a potions book.

"Mmm depends what time is it," He questioned as he closed his book and put it down on the floor beside him.

"Just gone six" Ron told him after checking his watch. Harry felt his stomach drop and he jumped up from the couch.

"Shit I've got a Friday detention with Dumbledore, see you guys later," He exclaimed, running from the common room.

The stone gargoyle let him in immediately when he arrived, panting, outside the headmaster's office. He stumbled up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore said calmly and Harry opened the door and entered the room.

"Ahh Harry, nice of you to finally join us," He smiled and Harry looked up, Sirius, Remus all sat in chairs around Dumbledore's desk.

"Hell no, I'm not doing this," Harry spluttured backing towards the door but Sirius was too quick.

"Colloportus," He yelled pointing his wand at the door behind Harry, which locked.

"Harry please take a seat," Dumbledore pleaded still smiling at Harry.

Harry growled under his breath but pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest.

Sirius rested his hand on Harry's shoulder but the boy shook him off, not turning around to see the hurt forming in the adult's eyes.

"What's going on Harry," Lupin asked Harry kindly.

"Nothing's wrong I'm fine," He snapped.

"Harry there is obviously something going on," Dumbledore spoke softly.

"What's going on is I don't want to be back in this bloody school."

"Harry I know it's hard to be back but you need to finish-," Sirius reasoned.

"No don't, I get it i need an education. Look im sorry for trying to hex Theo, give me as many detention as you but I'm not going to have you all pry into my private life."

Dumbledore sighed, "Severus said he'd let you off with three weeks worth of Wednesday dentention, cleaning the potions labs."

"Great, now can I go."

Dumbledore nodded towards the door, muttering an unlocking charm and Harry stood, leaving as fast as he could.

He started running as soon as he was down the stairs and didn't stop until he reached the edge of the forest where he collapsed against a tree and dropped his head to his knees.

He heard a twig snap behind him and he spun around to see Theo smirking at him with his wand pointed directly at Harry's chest.

"Aww was the chosen boy crying," He teased as Harry backed up slowly.

"Theo what the fuck," Harry snapped.

"What the fuck?. You made me look like a fool in front of my friends and what, you want me to calm down," He snarled, the look of anger in his eyes made Harry's heart drop. He didn't have his wand and he couldn't run.

"Just piss off," Harry swore, instantly regretting his words as Theo's glare grew darker.

"Dumb mistake Potter, I have a wand and you don't," Theo smirked, "Why don't I try out that spell you tried to use on me, then I'll leave you here to bleed out and die. I know I'd be doing everyone a favor."

Harry didn't know what to do as he continued to back up further, " you don't know what you're saying," he spoke firmly trying to hide his fear.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure," Theo chuckled taking a step closer to Harry, who was now completely backed into a tree.

He raised his wand slightly but was cut off by a deep growl coming from the trees, Harry and Theo both froze and turned to look out at the forest. A large icy white wolf was emerging steadily from the woods ready to pounce at Theo.

"Woah there," he said holding up his hands in surrender but the wolf snarled its lips to reveal its long pointy teeth.

"Shit, have fun Potter," He yelled as he shoved Harry towards the creature and sprinted towards the castle.

Harry stumbled backward to the ground preparing for his flesh to be ripped by the sharp teeth of the wolf creature but instead, he felt it nestle it's head softly into his side. He sat up cautiously to see the creature bowing its head in peace. Harry bowed back and reached out his hand which the wolf sniffed slightly.

The raven haired boy relaxed and the adrenaline rushed out of his body, maybe Theo was right, maybe he was better off dead. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

The wolf seemed to sense Harry's sadness and he pressed his head into Harry's chest making him smile. The wolf then proceeded to chase his own tail making Harry laugh.

"What are you," Harry asked and to his surprise the creature huffed and sat down.

"Can you understand me," he continued and the wolf huffed once again.

"Should I give you a name," Harry thought out loud and the wolf nodded its head.

Harry thought for a moment, although there was only one name in his mind.


No, he couldn't call the creature Draco, that's weird.

"What about Dragon," Harry declared, it reminded him of Draco and it seemed to suit the creature.

The wolf jumped up into the air barking happily, "I'll take that as a yes," Harry said with a sad smile.

Dragon tilted its head in confusion at Harry's expression and huffed once again.

"It doesn't matter," Harry stated, shaking his head but the wolf continued to growl and Harry sighed.

"It must be easy to be a wolf."

The wolf tilted its head again.

Harry chuckled as he stifled a yawn and the wold barked happily.

"I better get back before they send a search party and I have a letter I need to write anyway," Harry sighed as he waved the wolf goodbye and headed back towards the common rooms.

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