Rather Wolfish Lessons

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Harry was sitting at dinner when he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"How's the golden trio tonight," Draco grinned placing his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Hey Malfoy," Ron said through a mouthful of food.

Draco pressed his thumbs into Harry's back moving them in circular motions.

Harry shivered and tried to squirm away but Draco was a lot stronger than him.

"You need to relax more," he muttered massaging the knots in Harry's back.

Harry didn't answer but tried to resist relaxing into Draco's touch. He looked up to see Ron smirking at him and he shot a glare across the table.

"He's right you know," Hermione chirped up, "you were out running for hours last night,"

"You run?," Draco asked curiously and Harry nodded.

Draco hummed and moved his hands up to the back of Harry's neck. The smaller boy bit down on his lip to stifle a moan of pure bliss.

"Hey fangs whats going on," Sirius said walking towards Draco.

"Fangs?" Harry asked looking around confusingly.

"Oh ah sorry forget it," Sirius stammered.

Harry looked up at Hermione who had eyes wide with realisation.

"He knows," She said quietly to Draco, who nodded.

"What are we talking about," Ron and Harry said in sync.

"This is not the time," Sirius hissed at Hermione.

"Anyway what's going on here," he quickly changed the subject and gestured between Draco and Harry.

"Here feel this," Draco said placing Sirius's hand on one of the knots in Harry's back.

"Jesus Hazza, you really need to relax," Sirius frowned as Draco walked away from the table and back towards Pansy and Blaise.

Harry shook Sirius's hand off him and watched as Draco talked to his friends at the Slytherin table.

Draco piled his plate with food and ate hastily. He listened in to Pansy and Blaise's conversation but didn't comment.

"Earth to Draco," Pansy smirked waving her hand in front of his face.

"What," Draco asked through a mouthful of food.

"I don't think i've ever seen you eat this much," Pansy laughed.

Draco just shrugged and continued eating.

"Come on we all need to study," Blaise sighed dragging Draco, who was looking longingly at the leftover food on his plate, and Pansy from the hall.

"Draco wait," A voice yelled from behind Draco as he walked with Blaise and Pansy down the corridor towards the Slytherin common room.

Draco turned around to see Hermione running up to him.

"Can I talk to you quickly," she panted, "alone."

Draco nodded and walked into an empty classroom with her after gesturing for Pansy and Blaise to keep walking.

"I already know what you want to talk about," Draco sighed.

"How did he find out," Hermione questioned.

"Kinda the same way you did," Draco answered.

"So Sirius just caught you transforming," She said with raised eyebrows.

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