What Do You Want Me To Do

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To say Draco was tired would be an understatement and a massive one at that.

He spent the night out in the woods, running until his paws were bloody from sticks and stones littered on the forest floor.

Draco only crept out of the shadows when the sun was finally starting to rise.

He slipped into his human form, blood dripping from the scrapes on his knuckles and his hair peppered with dirt.

He trudged into the enterance hall, his footprints leaving a trail.

The sun cast an eerie glow on the empty hallways as it peaked through the glass.

Draco basked in the warmth for a moment, eyes closed, head heavy, before the sound of Mrs Norris approaching scared him into continuing.

The Slytherin common room was deserted with only a messy remanence from night before, study books strew open on couches, blankets scattered on the floor and a dying fire smoking in the hearth.

In the dorm Blaise was lying in his bed snoring peacefully when Draco tiptoed past him, entering the bathroom.

Draco locked the door, stripping off his clothes and turning on the shower, testing the water with his hand.

He finally stepped under the cold water spurting from the shower, his breath was knocked out of him at the icy water dripping down the nape of his neck.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as his muscles tensed and relaxed.

The stinging from the scrapes on his knuckles, arms, legs and face turned into a gentle throb.

He tilted his head back letting water trickle down his throat. An attempt to stifle the ache of dehydration.

Blaise was gone when he came back into the dorm.

He sighed at the the thought of leaving and seeing everyone.

"Fuck it," He muttered throwing on baggy jeans and a white t-shirt.

He tucked it in at the sides and ran a hand through his hair, pulling it off his forehead.

Pansy and Blaise looked round over the back of the couch when Draco entered.

"Morning," He muttered plopping down on an armchair.

"Morning," Pansy's eyes were wide with surprise and it sounded as though she was asking a question.

Draco nodded with a smile and turned his attention to look out the window.

"Is he ok," Pansy whispered to Blaise unaware of Draco's prying ears.

"He showered," Blaise muttered under his breath, "but he definitely didn't sleep last night."

"Guy i'm fine," Draco lied, standing up, "Can we go to breakfast,"

"Yeah I guess so," Pansy said quietly, leading the way out of the common room and to the great hall.

The room was bustling when the three Slytherins entered and Draco felt himself slowly regretting his decision to leave his dorm

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