Three Red Envelopes

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Harry was lying in his bed on Thursday afternoon when Hermione walked into his dorm and sat on the end of his bed.

"Mione this is the boy's dorm how did you get up here," He asked confused.

"I have my ways but it doesn't matter," She teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Hermione continued, "Ron and I are heading down to dinner, you gonna come,"

Harry shook his head and rolled onto stomach, shoving his head into his pillow.

"Harry what's up, I know when something is bothering you," She said comfortingly.

"I have to finish my Transfiguration essay and I don't know what to write," Harry lied but Hermione saw right through him.

"Don't worry I can help you but I know that isn't the only thing bothering you," Hermione sighed and Harry slowly sat up.

"I- I think i might like guys," he mumbled blushing red.

A wide smile crossed Hermione's face and she shrieked with joy wrapping her arms around Harry's neck and pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks I guess," Harry mumbled trying to hide the happiness polling in his stomach.

"Anyway I better get down to dinner, I'll help you with your essay when I get back," she giggled skipping off down the stairs, leaving Harry alone in his dorm.

He laid back down on the bed staring at the ceiling above of him although this time he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his chest and he smiled lightly.

He thought in silence for a while until he got bored and sat up reaching for the envelope he hadn't opened yet.

'To Harry,

Thanks for writing back, I didn't think you would, and no this isn't a joke or a prank.

Just tell me what you want to know but I'm not going to tell you my house because that would make it really obvious and I'm not ready for you to know yet.

From you secret admirer'

Harry felt his smile grow as he read the letter to himself softly. He immediately picked up a piece of parchment and started to write back.

'Sorry for the late response I've had a lot on my mind recently,

Since I can't ask what house you are in, what year are you in?

From Harry'

He reread his letter a few times before feeling satisfied and borrowing Ron's owl to send it.

It didn't take long before the owl came whizzing through the open window and crashed into Harry's bed.

"That was quick," Harry muttered as he took the parchment from the owl's beak.

'I'm assuming you're not at dinner either anything on your mind that you wanna talk about

I'm in the same year as you don't worry I'm not a weird third year'

Harry laughed to himself as he read the letter and sent one back.

'Don't worry I'm just thinking about stupid things but I'm glad to hear that we are the same age,

Are we friends or have we talked before,'

Harry sent Ron's owl again and it returned shortly after but this time there was no response. Sighing Harry started working on his Transfiguration essay.

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