Stayin Alive

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The black jeep tumbled across the pothole filled roads, occasionally skidding over mud. It was drizzling but not cold, since Coasta Rica didn't have seasons, which Harry was rather surprised to find out. 

Tall trees grew on one side of them, whereas a cliff dropped off on the other, leading down, over a rocky edge, to a soft blue ocean.

Remus had his hands on the steering wheel, eyes focused ahead, Draco, Narcissa and Sirius sat in the back. Harry in a seat behind them.

"So can someone explain why we were at school and now we're in a car in Costa Rica," Harry scoffed, leaning forward, his head resting on the back of Sirius's seat.

Remus glanced at him in the rearview mirror, "Harry, seatbelt on right now," he snapped, for about the hundredth time.

"Alright, alright," Harry said although he still didn't put it on and instead let it dangle beside him, "Now can you answer the question."

Sirius's reached in to his jean pocket and pulled out about a dozen folded up letters.

"Do you have to show him," Draco protested but Narcissa took his hand and shushed him.

Harry glanced at Draco curiously before taking the letters from Sirius.

He felt his stomach drop at the sight of them, they were all signed L.M, some of them a lot longer than others.

His eyes skimmed over them, a lot just containing insults and slurs and a couple filled with threats or both. That was until he reached the last couple, 'You have one more day, then i'll be expecting you and your mother.'

The letter was short, but the words sent chills down his spine and he glanced once again at Draco who's head was drooping down.

"What does he mean, 'expecting you and your mother,' Harry questioned, to which Narcissa answered.

"That was his most recent letter to Draco, he had apparently been sending them for a while, asking us to come 'home' but Draco burned a couple before we found them," She spoke calmly but the panic was obvious in her tone.

"Oh," was all Harry could muster.

"Yeah, oh," Draco repeated dryly.

Silence snowed over the car once again, everyone lost in there own trepidation.

Harry leant against the window, pressing his cheek up against the glass, feeling the soft heat of the sun. He decided that he could honestly like it here, where it was summer all the time and the days would be spent on white sandy beaches.

But he couldn't let himself think about that, he had to go back, even if it was to dreary old london and the prejudice world.

The car bounced rhythmically along the road and Harry soon feel asleep to the grumble of the engine.

He woke at least three quarters of an hour later and groaned quietly moving his head away from the window, where it had imprinted a large red mark on one side of his face.

Draco had fallen asleep against his also sleeping mother. His pale pink lips parted slightly, allowing soft puffs of air to pass through. He looked so peaceful when he slept, enraptured in his own placid dreams.

Sirius was also asleep, his head thrown back to look at the roof. The snores leaving his nose being the only sound in the car, apart from occasional grumbles from the Remus, who was awake driving the car.

"Are we close," Harry asked quietly and Remus jumped at the sudden noise causing Harry to apologise, "Sorry."

"All good, we're getting closer, about another hour," Remus responded causing an agitated sigh to leave Harry. He hated road trips.

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