Hand of Death

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Sienna turned back to the boys, "Harry, can you give us a moment," She nodded to the door and Harry, after a reluctant glance at Draco, left the room.

Sienna pulled up a chair in front of the blonde boy, "I already said this before, but my names Sienna," She held out her hand for him to shake.

Draco took it warily, his other hand holding onto the barely eaten bar of chocolate.

"Thought I asked you to eat the whole thing," She smirked pointing at it.

Draco shrugged, "Wasn't hungry."

She watched him closely for a moment, eyebrows raised, "Your body doesn't seem to agree with you."

Draco shrugged again.

"When's the last time you ate," She asked softly.

"I'm not fucking anorexic if that's what your implying," he spat quite suddenly.

Sienna couldn't help but let a smirk travel through her lips, "Draco hun, I love the attitude but i'm trying to help you here and no that's not what i'm implying." She placed a hand on his shoulder, Draco looking a lot paler in contrast to her olive sun kissed skin.

"What are you implying then," He huffed, crossing his arms and feeling suddenly quite stupid.

"That maybe you're nervous and you feel like your lost and flying out of control and always supporting other people and maybe you want to control something in your life and being nervous isn't making it any easier," she paused, "sound familiar."

Draco frowned, "I'm just stressed."


It was simple question, or simple enough, just one word that hung in the silence between them. Yet it was one word that no one had asked before and it left Draco stumped.

"Well isn't it kinda obvious," He stuttered.

"Not to me," She responded, edging him to keep speaking.

"Bloody hell, my father is out there ruining lives again, my mother is merlin knows where, I've got Harry to worry about and my N.E.W.T.S and the fact that everyone hates me because of my bloody last name," He took a deep breath and shook his head, "Rather stupid, isn't it,"

Sienna adjusted herself in her seat, "Tell me more about your father?"

He glanced up again, "He's the one we were just talking about,"

"No, not the Lucius we all know but the one you know," She explained.

Draco's brow furrowed, "Well he's a horrible, sick, prejudice, bastard. Bloody manipulative as well, he's just a disgusting piece of shit, is there much more to say,"

"Is that why you're worried about him being out there again?"

"For Melin's sake, who wouldn't be worried, i'm worried for Harry, he spends his childhood fighting some madman, he finally catches a break and then he has to do it again. He's not in the right mindset to be worried about this right now," He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm worried about my mum as well, I mean I don't know if she's still working with him and as much as i'm pissed at her, I don't want her to be stuck there, it's not safe,"

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