chapter 30

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Marlow POV:

I didn't sleep last night. The words beckoning in my mind, everything the boys said now making sense. I don't even deserve Jack, I haven't texted him in about a day, firstly I was busy, secondly the boys are making way too much sense.

*beep beep beep beep*

I bolt my head to its ride side to face my alarm, beeping away. I didn't even need my alarm, my alarm didn't need me. I felt emotionless, Dad didn't know, he just got back, he might be angry at this petty drama.

Yet, I feel so lost.

I get up lazily and let my feet touch ground on my carpet once more. It made me feel at home, because I was, well, at home now.

Opening up the curtains, seagulls chirping, sun rising.

Realisation hit: the lifeguard challenge was tomorrow.

I don't even deserve the title of 'lifeguard' to the boys I care and look up to most. I'll drop out.

After I pull myself together, get dressed and try to get her my sad self, I wander down to the kitchen to meet Dad, happy as ever to be back in the working game.

'Good morning Marls' he brings me into a side hug which I don't return, I'm not worthy 'Woah, okay nice attitude sweetie'

'Look Dad, I'm just a stupid, waste of space girl. Girls can't do anything like lifeguard races or have friends or nothing! I'm just plain old Marlow, I'm not pretty, I don't have the ideal look for a girl and I basically shouldn't be here at all. So feel free to sack me from the job!' I say in such a mouthful I have to gather my breath after I say it.

'Marlow! Stop that right now! Don't talk like your an object, now how have you gotten this idea of girls can't do anything?' He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

'No one, I just know, the boys think so too'

'Which boys?'

'Some of them for sure, but all of them probably'

'Well I think your an amazing lifeguard, better than Maxi was at 16!' He laughs, I think of Maxi, my ex best friend.

He thinks your a waste of space
Just stop it
It wasn't the alcohol talking your stupid GIRL

'Let's just go to work, we'll be late if we don't leave now' I say looking at the clock, breaking from my thoughts.

'True, let's go then Marley' Dad hops up and grabs his bag, I do aswell, I was meant to be going surfing with Jack. I think I'll break it off, he probably thinks I'm just a girl, a plain old silly girl.

Time Skip

We arrive at the tower, Jesse, Chappo, Deano and Singlets are in the seats watching the early waters whistle in.

'Good morning boss, good to be back! Boss girl, you too!' Jesse turns to me,

Has he learned nothing
Does he not even feel guilt

'Look boys, I'm not going to be in the challenge tomorrow' I trail off before being cut off abruptly

'What? Why?' Deano looks at my Dad worriedly

Hoppo POV:

'Good morning boss, good to be back! Boss girl, you too!' Jesse turns to me, this was very nice of him but I looked to Marlow and she had this long and silky face on her, completely zoned out!

'Look boys, I'm not going to be in the challenge tomorrow' I trail off before being cut off abruptly

'What? Why?' Deano looks at me with worry written in his eyes, he's still quite worried about the whole James situation that has been going on. I'm waiting for his next strike but it's hard to know when that'll be.

let me be free ✨Bondi RescueOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz