chapter 35

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Marlow POV:

My arms were tiring out, firstly because of the swim leg and secondly because of the paddling on the board. I could now see a couple specks of swimmers making it to shore on Bronte.

The rocks!

I had nearly forgot, the rocks were my secret weapon equipped from Caroline. I quickly veer off into the cliff face, the rocks looked choppy but I can't argue with facts?

I had to make sure no one would see me, I didn't want people to follow and take my route. I see a yellow and red speck in the distance near the cliff face. I thinks it's a buoy, probably being marked out by Box on the ski right as we speak.

Slicing my way through the waters, I come to a slight decrease in speed. The waters start pulling me in as I edged closer to the bare, grey rocks before me. I was about 5 metres from the cliff at this point, and being dragged closer and closer.

Marls, your not skilled enough for this type of crap!

I quickly realise the regret in taking the route, but, I can get out of here, no ones here to help me, but I'm a lifeguard. That starts with my own life.

I rocks we're threatening me ferociously, I just put my head down and tried to go horizontal against the crashing waves.

I end up being torn into some softer rocks, but nowhere near safe, my arm is now slightly bruised and scraped, it's just battle wounds, no big deal.

I feel like I'm going nowhere fast, If anything, I'm being pulled into the sharp rock edges. I don't want to get hit, if I get hit hard enough it could have devastating affects long term.

My arms have never hurt so much from paddling, I am now fighting the rip at full force. Nothings working.

I give in.

I am smashed against the cold, hard rock side of the height of cliff.

Why did you take this route?
No one can see you?
This isn't the race path.

I wince as I'm cut up by the rock , I place my hands weakly on my head trying to protect it from getting a concussion.

I'm too late, with a second smash against the rocks, I hit my head, very fricken hard. I pull my hands away, blood has coated them erratically. I groan at the pain that rattles through my bones and body to the core. I'm feeling lifeless. I lie on my board trying to stop my head spinning.

I can hardly speak, looking up to the sky, the clouds swirling like a pin-ball machine.

'Please, someone help' I mutter not as loud as though someone would actually hear me.

Suddenly a red and yellow contraption invites my side gaze. I weakly turn my head, it's the clubbies jet ski, I used to use it when I was a clubby to chase away seals and sometimes sharks.

I try to make out the driver, I prop my right arm up in amounts of pain. I groan and narrow my vision, my arm is too weak to keep me stable.

The board starts to tip and before I could react I'm at the mercy of the water.

I fall in, deep, cold and bottomless. My head is aching, I want to swim up, but which way was up? This is what drowning feels like. This is how people die on the beach. I'm next. I swallow water as I start to panick, breathing comes naturally, just not air.

I see a long haired brunette body reach an arm to my hair, that must be the surface. With a mighty tug I'm hoisted above sea level by my blond locks.

Who is this?

'So, you came to the rocks? Right where I wanted you to be, your a good girl Bambi, just a very dumb one' the feminine voice sounded all too familiar.


I start violently coughing up water, I realise I could die from secondary drowning if I'm not careful.


What does she want? Is she here to help or something else?

Her tone is a lot more boisterous and not as friendly as I had known before.

Ouch. My head is thumping.

I feel my eyes closing, rolling more like, into the back of my head. I'm shaking all over, the last thing I see is Caroline smirking evilly as I'm left on the back of the jet ski like a dead weight. Blood everywhere.

Everything goes black.

Maxi POV:

I was piercing through the water in the swim length, I couldn't see Marlow anywhere. Surely she hasn't gotten that far ahead. That'd be record time.

Stop, your not her Dad!
Trust her!

I keep going, pushing past wave by wave, thinking about the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach of what Hop and Deano told me. How could anyone want to hurt Marl? She's a literal angel on earth!

I'm coming close to the shore at Tamarama, I look around to see Deano and Chappo on my heels.

'Have you seen Marl at all?' I call back between heavy breaths, still making my way into the dry sand.

'Marl? Nah, she must be fricken fast mate!' Chappo laughs, warning serious looks from Deano, he's thinking the same thing as me.

I scan the lines of boards, Marlows is not there, shes obviously too fast for us boys I guess.

'Her boards gone Dean' I say picking up line by the ropes to book it back to shore and back to Bondi.

'Yeah, but I didn't see anyone pass me on a board at all' Deano sounds worried, Box is on the ski, but kinky in the past 10 minutes. Let's hope he's grabbed her.

'Box might have her mate' I say trying to convince ourselves that she's fine. I'm not so sure though.

'Let's just get going' Deano is really worried, I can tell, it's etched across his face. I have to keep an eye out on the water for her. It's not about the race anymore.

I make it to the shore, instincts kick in and I start to paddle as fast as I can. I paddle out to Box, he's sitting on the jetski with no patient on the back. This either means she's really fast, invisible or something's terribly wrong.

'Hey Maxi, tired already?' Box laughs, but that soon stops when I try to fight back my nerves that Mark is in danger.

'Box, it's Marl.' I begin shaky 'No one has seen her since start time, no one saw her paddle past them'

'Crap, I'll start circling the area, I'll radio central also' he looks just as worried as Deano.

Jesse is slicing past me when I start calling his name, taking him out of his funk.

'Jesse! Jess! Come here quick!' I call as loud as I could go, beating the jetskis engine.

'What's up Maxi' he paddles over to me clearly out of breath.

I begin to tell him the situation.....

A/N: Hey guys, what do we think? What's going on?

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