Chapter 52: Turning Point

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It has been a couple hours since Christi Millz has moved into Wayne manor and Barbara, Caleb and Cassandra have returned to the bunker under Wayne tower to wait for Nightwing to return to Gotham. Jason would have gone with them to the bunker but he has business with the Outlaws that he has to deal with.

The three vigilantes sit in front of the computer in the bunker while in costume with their masks off when they hear a motorcycle pull into the bunker. They turn and see Dick Grayson also known as Nightwing walking towards them.

"So what are we dealing with?" Dick asks, standing in front of the other vigilantes in the bunker.

"As far as we know the Court has a Talon following me and probably my mom." Caleb tells him.

"And where is she now?" Dick asks.

"We've moved her into Wayne Manor for now." Barbara tells him.

"Good, good she should be safe there." Dick says. "Do we have any idea of what the Court of Owls is planning?" he continues.

"No, but I seem to be their primary target." Caleb says.

"W..WH...WHAT!!" Cass yells at her boyfriend.

"When I fought Cobb last night he said the Court wanted me for something, I don't know what though. It could be anything, kill me, force me to join them, turn me into a Talon, I have no idea." Caleb says.

"Wait you fought William Cobb?" Dick asks.

"Ya I kicked your great grandfather off the roof." Caleb tells him.

"Hmm, nice but moving on. Do we have anything that can potentially lead us to what they're planning?" Dick says.

"I'll hack some accounts, see if there's anything there." Barbara says, turning to the computer to get to work.

"I guess I'll start revisiting my old stakeout spots tonight." Caleb tells the others.

"Do you have a list that we could split to cover more ground?" Dick asks.

"I'll write it up." Caleb tells him.

"Come on man, what's with you and mental lists?" Dick asks jokingly.

"I just don't believe in writing things down." Caleb jokes back.

"Ya we should probably work on that." Barbara says from her spot in front of the computer.

"Ya, maybe." Caleb responds before he starts marking spots down on a map of potential Court of Owls locations to keep an eye on.

"I'll call Stephanie, she'll probably want back in on this." Dick says walking off and pulling out his phone.

After about half an hour Caleb had marked down every Court of Owls location and the homes of every member he knew of on the map when Barbara says "uh, guys I've tapped their phone lines and I think I might have something."

"What is it?" Caleb asks.

"Councilwoman Noctua just got a call from Sebastian Clark." Barbara tells the other vigilantes.

"What do they have to say?" Dick asks.

"Let's see." Barbara says before pressing a button on the computer.

"Noctua, how did the negotiations go?" Sebastian asks.

"Quite well Mr. Clark, in fact they should be sending the first batch within the month." the councilwoman says through the phone.

"Good, very good. Remember to keep me updated on any further developments." Sebastian says before hanging up.

"What are they talking about?" Dick asks.

"I don't know that was their entire conversation." Barbara tells him.

"It's the Court. They're talking about some sort of weapon." Caleb says. "But what type of weapon and who are they getting it from?" he continues.

"I'm checking emails, phone records, texts and there's nothing linking to any known weapon manufacturers." Barbara tells them.

"I guess I'm breaking into her office tonight then." Caleb says.

"Are you serious?" Dick asks.

"Yes why?" Caleb asks back.

"Aren't you the Courts number 1 target?" Dick says.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Caleb responds.

"Don't you think the court will be monitoring Noctua's office if there's anything there?" Barbara chimes in.

"And the court will know we know something if they see us looking around her office." Dick tells him.

"I did this for a year before I met any of you and the court didn't know I existed so I'll be fine." Caleb tells them.

"I go with." Cass speaks for the first time in this conversation.

"Fine, just follow my lead." Caleb tells her, causing Cass to nod.

"I know we can't stop you so when you go wear these." Dick says handing Caleb a small box.

"What's in the box?" Caleb asks.

"They're contact lenses that are connected to the Bat-computers network, they will allow us to see what you see and they have all the fun tricks our masks have." Barbara tells him.

"And why am I just getting these now?" Caleb asks.

"You didn't need them till now." Dick tells him.

"Great." Caleb mumbles. 

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