Chapter 2: Second Encounter

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   As Caleb disappeared into the night and continued on his way to check his lead on the court he couldn't shake the feeling he was being followed. Because of the feeling he decided to follow the lead tomorrow and spend the night looking for trouble.

As he was roaming Gotham by rooftop looking for trouble Caleb saw 5 thugs breaking into a small store to rob the place. He jumped down and followed the thugs into the store without being seen. From the shadows Caleb said "hey guys this really happening."

One of the thugs yelled "who's there! Is it the bat!" as they looked around the room to try to find who scared them. This just caused Caleb to sigh as he stepped out of the shadows pulling out his billy club. One of the thugs saw him and said "oh it's just some kid trying to play hero. We can take him no problem." He then pointed his pistol at Caleb and fired a couple of rounds in his direction which Caleb dodged easily. After dodging the shots Caleb ran up to the thug and jumped at him kneeing him in the face taking the tug to the ground.

The other 4 thugs turned and noticed Caleb standing over their friend and began to shoot at him. Caleb quickly slid behind a counter and threw his billy club rickashaying it off a wall to hit one of the thugs in the face. He then peeks over the counter while pulling out throwing knives to see that one of the remaining 3 thugs was already knocked out. Caleb then jumped over the counter throwing the knives to knock the guns out of the thugs hands. He then runs at one of the remaining thugs who tries to punch him but Caleb slides under the punch while pulling the thug's legs out from under them. As the thug lands on the floor Caleb grabs their head and slams it into the floor again to knock them out.

As Caleb gets up he sees the same girl from earlier that night standing over the final thug. "You been following me?" Caleb simply asks. To which he only gets a nod from the girl causing him to say "why?"

"You help people but fight me. Why?" asks the girl as she stares at him as he picks up his billy club.

"You tried to stop me." Caleb responds while putting the billy club away.

"I not stop you, I help you." she tells him motioning to the thugs on the floor as they stare at each other.

"Then why'd you try to stop me from leaving earlier?" Caleb says back.

"I want to talk." she responds.

"Fine. Lets go to the roof and talk." he tells her. Getting a nod from her the two leave the store and make their way to the roof. Once the two get to the roof, Caleb asks "so what do you want?"

"Who are you?" She asks the same question as when they first met.

"T H is all I'm going to give you. Now who are you?" Caleb responds.

"Orphan." is all the girl said in response. 

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