Chapter 6: The Breakout (part 2)

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   After dinner Caleb went to his room and changed into his costume, he wasn't expecting to see Orphan tonight because of everything going on with the breakout. And when he got to the roof he found he was right she wasn't there as he expected, he then started roaming Gotham looking for trouble.

It didn't take long seeing as how every low life and criminal was out in the streets taking advantage of the Arkham breakout. Luckily most citizens Gotham predicted this and remained in their homes for the night so it was only the criminals of Gotham, the GCPD, the Batfamily and Caleb out tonight. Caleb understood that most of the Batfamily would be looking for the Arkham escapees so he was purely looking for break ins and robberies.

Caleb then spotted about a dozen of Two-faces thugs breaking into a bank. He jumped down behind them and followed them in while knocking out the farthest back one. Caleb then quickly went to the next thug and hit him on the back of the head with his billy club. He then caught the thug and carefully and quietly laid him on the ground.

Caleb then snuck around in the shadows to cut the lights so the bank was plunged into darkness and the 10 remaining thugs couldn't see. Caleb however was trained to fight in the dark so he ran at one of the thugs kneeing them in the face taking them to the ground. The remaining thugs hearing this took out flashlights to see their friend on the ground unconscious. Caleb then appeared behind one of the thugs and threw them into a wall while grabbing their flashlight to throw at another thug knocking both of them out. The 7 thugs left looked to see what the commotion was but saw no one there. Caleb then appeared in front of one of the thugs and threw them into another thug sending them both into a wall. He then disappeared into the darkness again reappearing behind a thug choking them out and laying them on the floor. Caleb then leapt over a counter kicking one of the remaining thugs in the face while throwing his billy club at another one hitting them in the face as well. The two remaining thugs then grouped up together going back to back, but Caleb just appeared next to them slamming their heads together and then on the ground. Caleb then triggered the silent alarm in the bank and left.

When Caleb got back on a roof he took a quick breather before starting to roam Gotham again when he thought he saw Orphan out of the corner of his eye. He looked back and saw her looking at him while standing next to someone wearing a black and purple costume. Caleb gave her a quick wave before disappearing off into the night looking for his next fight.

A few hours later it was getting to be early morning and Caleb had been running around Gotham and fighting criminals without stopping all night. Seeing as how he needed a break and things would be slowing down because the sun was rising, Caleb headed home. When Caleb got home and climbed in his window his mother walked in the room.

"You just getting home or heading back out?" Christi asked her tired son who just threw his jacket on the ground.

"Just got back and am heading to bed." Caleb told his mom.

"Ok well i just got up so you will be fine to get yourself food when you get up?" she asked her son who had collapsed on his bed before she finished her question. 

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