Chapter 32: Don't Tempt Me

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It has been a week since Caleb killed the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls and he has not been in contact with any of the batfamily in that time. He was still going out every night looking for a fight and stopping muggings and robberies. Caleb had started taking his swords with him on a regular basis and he had not gotten his jacket back after he left it on Orphan's bike before they attacked the Court's meeting. At this time the news had started to ask if something had happened to Nightwing's sidekick because Caleb had not been seen by the press within the last week.

Night had fallen on Gotham and Caleb stood on a roof overlooking the city. He was in his modified Talon costume with his swords strapped to his back and he wore his original belt housing throwing knives, his original billy club and nothing else. Caleb then started running from rooftop to rooftop looking for trouble and he found it in the form of a mugging. He then jumped down into the alley way to find 3 guys mugging a couple. One of the muggers had a gun while the other two had baseball bats. Caleb threw a knife knocking the gun out of the mugger's hand causing the muggers to turn to him as he pulled out his swords.

"Ha, you going to kill us?" one of the muggers asked.

"Don't tempt me." Caleb growled at them.

"Are you serious?" another mugger asked. Caleb then threw one of his swords into the first muggers foot. He then ran up and jumped to kick them in the face while pulling the sword out of their foot and cutting both baseball bats in half. The two muggers holding the handles of baseball bats dropped the remaining parts of the bats and ran out of the alley. Before the couple could thank their mysterious savior he was gone.

Back on the rooftop Caleb ran from roof to roof looking for his next fight which he found in a man trying to rob a convenience store. Caleb then walked into the store to see a man with a gun telling the cashier to empty the cash register. He then threw a knife into the man's hand knocking the gun to the floor. The man then screamed out in pain as Caleb walked over and ripped the knife out of their hand and punched them in the face knocking them to the ground.

As Caleb got back to the roof he heard someone land on the roof behind him. Caleb then turned around to see Orphan who said "you kill him?"

"Hm. No and I don't think he's going to bleed out either." Caleb told her.

"What you mean think?" Cass asked.

"If the cashier calls literally anyone they should be fine." Caleb responded.

"You kill anyone else?" Cass asks him.

"Does it matter?" Caleb asked her back.

"Yes it matter!" Cass yelled at him.

"Why does it matter if I kill a criminal on the streets or some creep in an owl mask?" Caleb asks her, causing Cass to stare at him with a questioning look. "It's one less scumbag to deal with later." Caleb continues.

"NO KILL!!" Cass yells while punching Caleb in the face causing him to fall to the ground. 

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