Chapter 54: Project X

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As Cassandra and Caleb walk back into the bunker under Wayne tower they see Dick walking over to Barbara who is still in front of the computer while he is on the phone with someone. Caleb then proceeds to walk over to where Barbara is sitting and places one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the desk in front of them.

"Have you found anything?" he asks, wanting to know more about Cadmus and what they could be working on for the Court of Owls.

"Dick is currently on the phone with Tim who might know more, but Cadmus servers are pretty well encrypted so it's hard to hack off site." Barbara tells him.

"Tim as in?" Caleb asks not knowing who she was talking about.

"Tim Drake, Red Robin the leader of the Teen Titans." Barbara says filling Caleb in on who Tim was.

"Ok, got it." Caleb responds.

"All he's got is a rumored project X that no one seems to know anything about." Dick says walking over to the other three vigilantes in the bunker.

"So we got nothing except the seller." Caleb says stepping away from the computer.

"It ok. We figure it out." Cass says placing a hand on Caleb's shoulder causing him to nod.

The four vigilantes then hear the sound of a motorcycle coming from the tunnel leading out of the bunker's garage. Caleb, still on edge because of the whole Court of Owls ordeal, instantly hops over the railing behind him while pulling up his mask. He then pulls out his billy club as he starts walking towards the tunnel and Cass lands behind him ready to back her boyfriend up in a fight.

"Should we tell them or should we let them figure it out?" Dick asks Barbara, neither of them moving from their spots.

"Let's let them figure it out." she tells him, as a girl in a black and purple costume rides in on a purple motorcycle.

"Steph?" Cass asks seeing her friend.

"Hm." is all Caleb says as he pulls down his mask and puts his billy club away.

"Hey Cass." Stephanie says as she gets off her bike and walks towards the couple. "Miss me Red?" she continues as she walks past Caleb and Cass.

"No, not really." Caleb says as he and Cass turn around and follow Stephanie to where they were before.

"So ah, what's the sitch?" Steph asks as the three walk up to Dick and Barbara.

"What did Dick tell you?" Caleb asks.

"Only that the Court is back." Stephanie tells him.

"So they sent a Talon to my house to kill my mom, they tried to kill me, they're buying something from Cadmus and they either want me for something or they want to kill me, not sure which." Caleb tells her summing up the events of the past couple days.

"Have you called Tim?" Stephanie asks.

"I just got off the phone with him and he doesn't have any ideas on what they could be working on." Dick tells her.

"Really I thought he'd know more?" Steph says, surprised at how little information they have.

"Well Cadmus servers are hard to hack from off site, so him giving us a rumored project name is at least a start." Barbara says turning in her seat to face the other vigilantes in the bunker.

"What's the project called?" Steph asks.

"Project X." Caleb tells her.

"Now that doesn't sound ominous at all." she responds sarcastically.

"I know right." Dick says agreeing with the blonde girl.

"Wh...what we do" Cass asks from her spot next to Caleb.

"We need more information, so we wait and until the court makes their next move while gathering as much intel as we can." Barbara tells the group in front of her. 

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