Chapter 60: Assault on Cadmus

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(A/N this takes place during issue 2 of More Then a Weapon. 


"They don't have this." Red Wing growls out as he runs down the halls of a Cadmus facility with Orphan, Red Robin and Ravager.

"Don't worry, they know what they're doing." Red Robin tries to tell him. Before Caleb can say anything else Cass gives him a quick look telling him not to and with the importance of this mission he listens to her.

Now approaching their target, being the main records room, Red Wing quickly whips his billy club at one of the two guards, knocking him out as Orphan quickly knocks out the other. As the other three catch up Cass picks up Caleb's billy club and hands it to him as he walks past her into the records room followed quickly by Tim and Rose.

"He's really not messing around with this one is he?" Rose asks, walking past Cass.

"With Court, never." Cass tells her as she posts up guarding the door.

"Red Wing, Ravager, check for any physical evidence of project-X. I'll scrub the servers." Red Robin orders as they all get to work.

About 10 minutes later Caleb pulled a file out, quickly skimmed through it before shouting "found it!"

"Hand it over." Rose states reaching out for the file which Caleb reluctantly hands over. She then quickly reads through it and says "Fuck."

"Fuck? What do you mean fuck?!" Caleb asks in a panic.

"You're going to need to find another file!" Tim chimes in. "Wolverine. The guy the clones are of, you need to find his file too."

"Shit." is all Caleb says before him and Rose get back to work searching through files until she eventually finds it.

"Found it. Now once Red Robin deletes the digital files we can get out of here." Rose speaks up, getting the others attention.

"Not quite." Tim informs them.

"What you find?" Cass asks from the doorway.

"I found the Wolverine. He's here."

"Where?" Rose asks, walking up beside Tim.

"Sub level 2 room 7b." he responds.

"CALEB NO!!!" Cass shouts getting the two Titans' attention. They then quickly notice Caleb is no longer in the room so Tim quickly pulls up security footage and finds him walking down the halls with a sword in hand.

"When and how did he steal my sword?!" Rose shouts in disbelief.

"We have to go after him." Tim states looking to the others in the room.

"You can't." Cass tells them.

"What do you mean we can't? I'm pretty sure I should kick his ass for stealing my sword." Rose says.

"You can't stop him. I can."

Tim lets out a deep sigh before saying "Ravager, you're with me. Orphan, stop Red Wing before he does something stupid."

"Fine but I'm still going to kick his ass later." Rose says as she follows Tim out and back to where they left the other Titans.

Glancing back at the monitors Cass figures out her path through the halls to catch up with Caleb and runs after him. But she's too slow to stop him before he enters the room housing the Wolverine. Running into room 7b Cass finds Caleb standing over the unconscious and strapped down body of the Wolverine with Rose's sword above his head.

"DON'T!!" Cass shouts as he's about to swing down and decapitate the unconscious man.

Hesitating for a second Caleb responds "let me do this Cass!"

"You promise no kill!" Cass yells at him.

"If I take it off the board they can't make more." Caleb tells her with a shaky voice.

"Let him go, escape, free him." Cass tells him.

"If I do, they'll find it again and we'll have to do this all over again. So please let me kill it?" Caleb pleads with her.

"That's not us, can't be us." Cass tells him, cupping the side of his face with her hand before whispering "not us anymore."

A single tear runs down Caleb's cheek as he pulls away from Cass and yells "FUCK!" Before walking over to the table Wolverine is strapped down on "help me get him out of here?" Cass just nods before joining him in releasing Wolverine from the bonds holding him down.

Once the wolverine is released from his bonds and unplugged from the machines he shoots up awake as claws pop out of his knuckles.

"We don't want to fight you but you do need to leave and run as far away from here as you can." Caleb tells him only getting a nod in response as the man runs off. Caleb and Cass then nod to each other, neither of them saying a word before taking off back down the halls of Cadmus to join the Titans so they can all leave. 

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