Chapter 19: Peaceful Morning

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(A/N) if anyone has a better title for this chapter please let me know because I don't like the current one. I will also credit you in this chapter if I use your title. 


As Caleb woke up he felt something resting on his chest, he looked down to see Cass asleep using his chest as a pillow. Seeing this Caleb laid his head back down on his pillow and waited for Cass to wake up.

When Cass finally woke up she looked up at Caleb and said "hi."

"Good morning." Caleb replied. The two then got out of bed and headed to the kitchen where they found a note.

"What it say?" Cass asked, handing the note to Caleb. Caleb then quickly read the note which said.

Sorry I didn't wake you before I left for work. It's just that I saw you and Cass asleep and I didn't want to wake you cause you looked happy. I'll see you when I get home.

Love mom

"It's just my mom letting me know she left for work." Caleb told Cass. Cass just nodded in response.

"Breakfast?" Cass asked excitedly.

"Can you cook cause I can kinda cook?" Caleb asked.

"Can cook." Cass told him.

"Ok then I'll let you take the lead on breakfast and I'll just do whatever you tell me to." Caleb told her. The two then made and enjoyed their breakfast in a comfortable silence.

After they finished their breakfast they heard a knock on a window coming from Caleb's room. The two looked at each other questioningly both not knowing who it could be so Caleb grabbed a knife from the knife block in the kitchen as the two headed to his room. As they got to the window Caleb was taking the lead while Cass was a little behind him. Caleb looked out the window and saw a blonde on the fire escape trying to get his attention.

He then opened the window and asked "who are you and what are you doing here?" not dropping his guard

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He then opened the window and asked "who are you and what are you doing here?" not dropping his guard.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Take it easy Caleb it's me Stephanie. I was just wondering if you knew where Cass is, no one can find her?" the blonde said causing Caleb to lower his guard and put the knife down on the window sill.

Just then Cass popped up beside Caleb and said "Stephanie!" Cass then jumped out the window and on to the fire escape to hug her friend.

Stephanie hugged her friend back and said "thank god your ok. You had us all worried. Why didn't you tell anyone you were here?"

"Sorry forgot." Cass told her while stepping back out of the hug. As Cass stepped away from Stephanie she noticed that Cass' arm had a bandage around it.

"Oh My God! What happened to your arm?!" Stephanie asked concerned for her friend.

"Was shot am fine promise." Cass told her.

"Speaking of which we should probably change that bandage if the two of you want to come inside?" Caleb said causing Cass to nod. The two girls then entered the apartment and went to the living room while Caleb grabbed the med kit from where he left it last night. Caleb then replaced Cass' bandage while Stephanie made a phone call to let people know that she had found Cass at Caleb's apartment. 

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