Chapter 15: The Nest

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As Cass and Caleb get to the roof they see Nightwing who says "there you two are, i was wondering when you were going to show up."

"So Batman wasn't joking about sending you with us?" Caleb says.

"Ha Batman making a joke that's funny." Nightwing replies.

"So why are you here?" Caleb asks.

"We are a team so I'm taking you to our new base of operation." Nightwing told them.

"We get a base for this?" Caleb asked.

"What did you think we were just going to meet on your roof every night because we can still do that?" Nightwing responded.

"Ok ok just lead the way." Caleb said.

Nightwing then started to run towards Wayne tower with Orphan and Talon Hunter right behind him. Once they got closer they went into the subway tunnels where Nightwing led them to the bat-bunker underneath Wayne tower. They were still on the subway tracks and could see they had a car specially designed to take them through the subway systems of Gotham. They then walked up a flight of stairs to find a garage with a couple batmobiles and batcycles with a road heading to presumably the streets of Gotham. There was then a smaller flight of stairs leading to a platform with a computer and other equipment overlooking the garage. They also saw Stephanie sitting at the massive computer.

"Welcome to the bat-bunker this is going to be our base while we look for the court of owls." Nightwing told the two following him.

"Yay! You're here we can finally get started." Stephanie said standing up from the computer and jumping over the railing and into the garage.

"You may have just started looking for the court but I've been doing it for a year already so I'll fill you in on what i have." Caleb told them.

After Caleb filled in the others on his progress in his search for the court Nightwing asked "ok so if you've been running around Gotham at night looking for the court how have we never seen or heard about you until now?"

"Because I didn't want you to. And the only reason you do is because she spotted me in the like 5 seconds it took me to beat up some muggers." Caleb answered while motioning to Cass when he mentioned her.

"Ok and one other thing I'm not calling you Talon Hunter so you need a new codename." Nightwing told Caleb while Cass nodded in agreement with Nightwing.

"That'll depend on what you can come up with." Caleb told them.

"You know what your look reminds me of?" Stephanie asked, to which Caleb shrugged so she continued "you kinda look like a red winged blackbird."

"So what are you getting at?" Caleb asked skeptically.

"We could go with redwing or blackbird." Stephanie said.

"Well the Birds of Prey fought someone named Blackbird so it looks like we're going with Redwing." Nightwing said. 

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