Chapter 20: Relationship Update

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After changing Cass' bandage Caleb left the two girls in the living room and went to his room to change. When he exited his room to rejoin the girls who had turned on the tv he was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a red t-shirt. As Caleb joined the girls on the couch Cass rested her head on his shoulder.

"So do you guys want to do something or are we just going to sit here all day?" Stephanie asked.

"I got no plans so it's up to you." Caleb replied.

"It's a nice day out, we're going to a park." Stephanie said to which Cass and Caleb both nodded. Before they left Cass grabbed her bag and her sweater while Caleb grabbed his phone, wallet and his dad's leather jacket. "Isn't that the jacket you wear at night when we ya know fight crime?" Stephanie asked, surprised to see him wearing it during the day.

"It is." Caleb responded.

"So don't you think you should wear something else?" Stephanie asked.

"Why no one knows about me and those who have an idea can't identify me." Caleb told her.

"We can." Cass told him.

"Ya but you're also the only ones who know what I look like in costume." Caleb told them. Cass just shrugged in response.

"Fine, I guess it doesn't matter." Stephanie responded. The three then left the apartment building and headed to the nearest park where they spent the day until Caleb had to head back home.

"It's time for me to head out so I'll see you guys in a few hours." Caleb told the two girls as he started to walk away from them.

Stephanie just waved and said "bye." while Cass ran over to Caleb before he could leave and gave him a hug. Caleb then hugged her back as she gave him a quick kiss before he left.

As Caleb was approaching the door to his apartment he saw his mom unlocking the door so he ran to catch up with her. Christi turned to see him running up to her as she entered the apartment. She left the door open for Caleb as he got to it a few seconds after she entered the apartment.

"I didn't feel like cooking today so i got pizza on my way home." Christi told her son as he entered the apartment.

"Fine by me." Caleb told her as they sat down to eat.

"So you and Cass?" Christi asked, surprising Caleb who had forgotten that she said she saw them that morning.

"I don't know, maybe." he told her.

"Come on what do you mean by maybe it's a yes or no question?" Christi asked.

"I mean we kissed then slept together so I guess." Caleb told his mother.

"Did you two you know..." Christi was asking before she was interrupted by Caleb.

"OH MY GOD! Mom NO! No we didn't!" he interrupted.

Neither of them said another word as they ate until they were almost done eating when Christi asked "but the two of you are a thing right?"

"Ya I think so." Caleb told his mother. 

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