Chapter 26: Final Preparations (part 2)

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"There on the move can you track my location?" Caleb asked Nightwing through his communicator while running after the car transporting Joseph and Maria Powers.

"On it just leave the line open and we can track you." Nightwing told Caleb.

"Got it, line open." Caleb responded. He then returned his full attention to the car he was chasing, Caleb managed to keep up with the car thanks to the training his dad gave him and there may have been a bit of traffic slowing the car down. Caleb also had the advantage of being on rooftops, this allowed him to switch directions much easier than the car who had to stick to the paved streets.

Caleb followed the car until it pulled up in front of an old mansion on the outskirts of Gotham that looked like no one had lived there for years. Once the car parked Caleb hid in the small forest beside the house as he saw Joseph and Maria exit the car and enter the mansion. Caleb then quickly surveyed the mansion from his spot in the trees as he waited for the others to show up. He saw that there seemed to be a group of about 15 gathered seemingly around a table.

Nightwing and Spoiler then showed up stopping their bikes right behind Caleb in the small forest.

"So what are we looking at?" Nightwing asked as he walked up beside Caleb.

"There seem to be about 15 gathered inside." Caleb told him.

"That's not too bad." Spoiler said.

"Look at the roof." Caleb told her. Spoiler and Nightwing then looked at the roof of the old mansion to see that it was lined with Talons.

"That could be a problem." Nightwing commented.

Caleb then looked to the others to see that Orphan wasn't there. "Where's Cass?" he asked.

"Said she had to grab something. She'll be here soon." Nightwing told him, to which Caleb just nodded.

A few minutes later Orphan showed up, she got off her bike and walked over to Caleb. When she got to him, she handed him his swords and red talon gauntlets. Caleb just nodded to her and smiled under his mask while grabbing his equipment from her. Caleb took his jacket off and laid it over the back of Cass' bike, he then strapped his two swords to his back and put on the gauntlets.

Caleb then walked back over to Cass and hugged her. While hugging her Caleb whispered "I would kiss you but we have our masks on." The two then separated from the hug and joined Nightwing and Spoiler looking at the Mansion.

"How do we get in there without alerting the Talons?" Spoiler asked.

"I don't think we can." Nightwing told her.

"Then how do we get past them?" Spoiler asked.

"We don't, we fight." Caleb told her. 

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