Chapter 3

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 Next morning dad couldn't take me to school. He had to leave early to work. That was already a problem. I know i saw a bike in the garage but it snowed sometime yesterday without me realizing and i barely knew how to ride a bike normally. Let alone on ice. 

"I put chains on your wheels this morning. Don't walk to school and don't walk home again. You came home cold as death and it was dark."

"Dad... you worry too much."

He set a hand on my shoulder before going into his car and driving off. The keys were in my hands. I could somewhat drive. Ive never driven before without an adult and never on main streets. 

I might as well start to get comfortable with the idea of driving because i won't be able to rely on Charlie forever.

"Sweet Jesus protect the pedestrians and world around me. Forgive me for the potential death i may cause. Amen." I prayed and started the truck. 

I slowly got to the school. I was amazed how much i actually remembered from the lessons my father gave me. When i drove down the streets i could practically hear him yelling at everything i was doing wrong and only when his voice was silent was when i knew i was doing the right thing.

My nerves were shot though. My knuckles white as i gripped the wheel. I was scared of hitting the students that lingered besides their cars. Scared of hitting the cars themselves and scared of somehow driving straight into a wall or some trees from pushing on the accelerator too much causing me to go up in ball of flames.

Edward was beside his car with Alice beside him. Would he help park my car if i asked him? Probably. He would probably laugh at me too.

 I found a parking space and slowly made my way into it. 

I suck. I thought. I turned off the car and slowly stepped out.  I was within the lines and had proper space on both sides giving myself and the cars next to me enough space to open and close doors without any fear of bumps or scratches and yet the voice of my father was screaming at me. I had to stand behind my car and judge my own parking technique. I was a little crooked. Therefore, i did it absolutely wrong. It wasn't a good parking job. 

I can't fucking drive.

I shook my head. I wasn't about to retry while people are watching. It's good enough and that is how it would have to stay. 

Good enough.

I grabbed my bag out of the car and closed the door. I stopped to look at the chains on my wheels. Charlie is a sweetheart. I didn't mean to compared the two but i do. All the time. Charlie, my dad that put chains on my wheels, the man that asks me how my days been, takes me out to the diner, and genuinely cares about my well being and then there's my father, the man who can't teach without yelling, can't care without insulting, can't love without hating.

I bent down to touch the chains. My eyes are watering. I'm going to cry because Bella has what i want and she gave it up for a boy. I fucking hate her.

I get up and wiped away at my eyes. I turned around prepared to go to school when my vision is blurred by a van. Tyler in the drivers seat. 

Didn't this happen after school? I don't remember. Do i want Edward to save me? Or should i hope to be crushed so i can, in the slimmest of chances, go back home?

I was shoved down. I felt my head hit the ice. I hissed. I opened my eyes feeling kind of dizzy from the impact. I met Edwards gaze. This is before he moved my legs so they wouldn't get crushed. His eyes were so intense that i had to take a second to acknowledge that he is trying to save me and is equally terrified of my reaction of him.

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