Chapter 71

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Bella was finally properly introduced to all of the vampires she didn't know of. 

Bree, Diego and Fred were about three to four years changed. From what Edward told her, it was Isabella that had changed their fate and brought them here. Where they taught them to be a vegetarian like the rest of them.

Bree and Fred stood a bit behind Diego not being comfortable with newborns. Both didn't have good memories of them. Diego didn't like them either but he worked around them enough to at least pretend he doesn't hate them.

"Pleasure to meet you," he said making sure to not show any teeth when he smiled. Just in case Bella thought he was attacking.

Bella took his outstretched hand in hers and gave him a firm shake. He pulled back slowly as not to show his discomfort.

Bella was curious when Edward explained Fred's gifts to her and praised all three vampires for being very good people that have helped a lot to make sure Isabella, so indirectly herself, was safe from harm. Bella wanted to see the repulsive magnetism at work but was met with a sneer and Fred left. The others followed after him.

"They don't like me much," Bella chuckled.

"No worries," Edward muttered. "Fred doesn't really like anyone."

"Right. So it's not personal."

"Not at all."

Bella did a good job at suppressing her annoyance of how sweet and light Edward's voice becomes when he says her full name. Though she failed to hide her curiosity on Iz. She didn't want to hear about her relationship with Edward because it made Bella feel inferior but the more she heard of the things she's done while still human... Bella couldn't help but compare herself.

"What are you thinking?" Edward asked. He had to ask more often now. The face was the same but not only is the expressions less defined with her vampire features but Bella didn't have the same cues as Izzy did. Izzy used every muscle on her face to express even the slightest emotion. It was difficult to read at first but Edward learned to read it all. Bella wasn't as expressive. He didn't know what to look for.

"Just that she sounds amazing," Bella said. "... it would make sense."

"What would?" He asked.

"Why you like her," Bella said. "I mean, come on. You just told me she saved three vampires and I what? Got a paper cut and had you break up with me... no contest."

Edward frowned and didn't know how to proceed with that. His mind wandered off to his tormenting day at Isle Esme. Where he couldn't make heads or tails as to how Bella prioritized what she considered important and how that left him flabbergasted.

Grace knocked on the door. "Actually, I saved the newborns under her orders if you want to be more accurate. Makes her sound more human to have all the details of her accomplishments and less of an almighty being."

Edward grinned relieved, "good timing. Bella, this is Grace Valoz."

"Gracelyn Valoz," Grace corrected. "I'm the head of my coven. If you want to ask me anything I'll answer you at any time as long as you're not getting in the way of something important."

Bella nodded. "I heard Leah imprinted on you, how does that work?"

Grace rolled her eyes, "of course you would. You certainly like to stick your nose in shit that isn't your business."

"Grace," Edward warned.

Bella didn't seem to mind, "you're right. I'm sorry."

That gave Grace some hope. "At least one of you have some fucking manners."

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