Chapter 106

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Dorian drove us to the area that i remembered and from there I told him we had a few hours of hiking to do. He didn't mind. He was actually very excited and interested why Edward Cullen, husband of my sister, took me to the middle of the forest all by ourselves. He was trying to figure out our dynamic and when Ed and I could have possibly gotten to hang out just the two of us. Through what he knew of our family Bella and Edward got married in 2009 which would have made Charlotte one year old before the marriage took place and then they moved out of forks soon after the marriage. 

He put together this timeline by all the small number of times he's spoken to me about my family. Which was an incredible feat to do considering that there was a lot of information that didn't make much sense in the timeline. 

The main one being, I was officially adopted by Charlie Swan in 2009 the same year the Cullens left Forks. I shouldn't know the Cullens or Bella all that well since in a timeline that makes sense, i entered this family when all of them left and Dorian seriously doubted two or three time family visits a year would be enough to know everyone so intimately.

He kept asking questions and I kept answering honestly which didn't help him all that much but he was enjoying the mystery of it all so i left him to continue his game of detective.

"Did you know, that you have fucking treasures in your game collection?" He asked turning around to face me. He seemed still very energetic. Not tired by the hike at all. All the while I was dying. I'm always grateful that the sun doesn't shine often in Forks. I've done minor research about being an albino. After being asked about my body multiple times, i thought that research was the least I could do. But according to doctors and the internet there wasn't any difference from my body and other bodies. I didn't have a problem with my vision or a problem with my skin. That was probably Oliver's doing. Simon said he had Oliver 'fix' the body before I moved into it. I didn't know what the word fixed had meant at the time but I guess now I did. Nothing that would cause me to have even a slightest hint of difficulty... they should have instead focused on fixing my head first. If there was anything that was making life difficult to live with it was definitely my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Lucienne's Quest,  Paper Mario, shantae, earthbound and those are the few of the only ones I recognize. You know you could sell those things for a butt ton and you have multiple copies of some of them too."

"I like to collect."

"You have an eye for gems. Are you seeing if the price value will shoot up or something?"

"... i guess, I used to think that way," i said. Honestly though, would I ever have to sell them? With the amount that Carlisle and Esme left for me there really isn't much of a reason to sell anything. I have more than enough money to last me ten life times.

"You know, crazy thing, i just started wondering but how rich was your family?" He asked. "I don't know why i haven't stopped to think about it before. Probably cuz you dress like shit, it never occurred to me until we were much older."

"My dad energy is better than... what the fuck do you dress as, an emo fuck boy?"

"I prefer Seto Kaiba vibes," he said tugging on his white jacket.

"You look like a cross between a Chainchomp and Sothe."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Sothe is fucking hot. Anyway, millionaires? Billionaires?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know how rich your parents were? Shit, so fucking privileged."

"I was never interested in their money."

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