Chapter 114

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Justice wakes around one in the afternoon.  Dorian didn't want to take the responsibility of having to wake him up any earlier. I understood that and yet it annoyed me all the same. I suppose I was okay with Indigo sleeping in if she wanted to since I acknowledge that between the two I like and have more tolerance towards Indie. Which means that I'm just being particularly biased for something stupid.

I think Justice noticed too that he annoys me when he wakes up late. Didn't mean he would change anything though and as per request he made to me when we all graduated middle school, I am allowed to offer my opinion but am no longer allowed to enforce it upon him.

Which I suppose i did do a lot especially towards him.

if I had to form a list of favorite child I'm sure Dorian is number one followed by Elliot, Indie and finally Justice but if I were to say which child I coddled the most, Justice was definitely on the top of that list. Dorian has only just recently gotten this much attention.

"If you have some shit to say, say it," Justice grumbled grabbing at the hot coffee Dorian made, again, with the intention of waking up Indigo that should have been here by now. At this point, it was best that Justice just drank it all, she's going to be late and the coffee will go cold otherwise.

Augustus had already purchased our plane tickets and tonight was finally the night that I had to talk to the wolves in person. My dad, Charlie, has already said I could go, apparently that's become something that Sue brings up with him every now and then in hopes that he would force me to change my mind. Which... let's face it. Charlie would never. Although, I'm sure he could convince me to stay if he did try to force it but then I'd just turn the entire situation as a him problem. He'd be my excuse as to why I could not stay with Simon, why I could not stay with Charlotte, why I'm slowly driving myself into constant paranoia of what my existence here possibly is. 

And Charlie deserves better than that.

No, better that any regrets, consequences and karma be all mine. Even if my actions are uncertain and my choices only partly thought out, as long as I'm the one making the choice, then there was no one I could ever push the blame to... and I think that's for the best.

... it has to be.

"You're beautiful this afternoon," I said.

Justice was almost as beautiful as Oliver. Almost. Justice lacked much in the feminine department and the beauty more subtle in the way he moves and expressions he wore more than anything else. His style still lacked anything resembling style and his hair has long since just become an abandoned mess that he refused to have taken care of. Normally that nest is hidden in a bun that could pass as purposefully messy but truth of the matter is that it looked like he hasn't brought a brush up to his hair for years.

"And you look like shit. Didn't know anorexia was the new thing," he grumbled.

Dorian rolled his eyes. "Dick."

"Douche," Justice shot back almost instinctively.

I sighed and looked around the room hoping for Theo but knowing I wasn't going to get him. Augustus was my current only hope at the moment and he was most likely going to stick to Simon's sleeping body considering it was about time for the Cullens to come by for their daily visit.

"Did Glenn tell you how this all came to be?" I asked him.

"You fell in love with a teen right," Justice shrugged. "I guess underaged dick is just as good as the older ones."

"Shit and here I figured I'd be the only asshole of this group seems we got two now," Dorian huffed. "Is that what you learned in LA? To be an asshole to your employer."

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