Chapter 93

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Wednesday, I borrowed a button up black shirt from Charlie, that i didn't know he owned. It was long sleeved and I had to roll it up so it can fit. I only buttoned it up to my under boob and hoped that Charlie couldn't tell that my black tank top under was in fact just a sports bra. I could have just buttoned the shirt all the way and pretend that that was it but that was a form of lying. As indirect as that lie would be. It was just one of those weird lies that weren't important but since it's Charlie, I felt obligated to not even take that much liberty with him. Other than that, i wore another one of Bella's jeans, a slight darker shade than the pants before and some sneakers she had left lying about. 

I was Rei Kashino, from the manga Mars. I ordered two complete sets of that particular manga. One to read and one for display purposes. It would be out of print and be worth something later. Not that I'm planning of selling it ever unless it's an emergency... and it must be one hell of an emergency.

Thursday, Seth came over with his grey baggy pants and a black belt. I wore it with a black long sleeve shirt and pulled my hair back to create the illusion of short hair. It was a cheap cosplay of Killua Zoldyck. 

and on Friday I borrowed Charlie's suit that was too big on me, folded the sleeves and legs as much as possible where it didn't look ridiculous, took a pair of his shades and went to school as another cheap cosplay this time of Nicholas D Wolfwood. 

On that Friday, I went to talk to Mr Glenn to ask him about the change into hobbies Club, name negotiable to change, but otherwise I tried to sell it to him.  I skimmed through the schools rules of extra curricular activity. I didn't read all of it so he filled me in on information that i missed. But without the fifth member we wouldn't be able to form it regardless.

"If I can form the club then I already have a fifth member willing to join."

"Oh," he said. "You're working hard for a club you have no interest in." He smiled at the list of notes I had handed him. I had done my research looking for competitions we could possibly join, along with performances and volunteer work that our club can do. Jeannette brought on an excellent point. Having backups in their respective clubs was important. Just in case of emergencies. Sometimes those emergencies could effect if they would be available to even join tournaments and competitions. So if our hobbies club, who could do sports, music, dance and the like, can provide members to stand in if needed, wouldn't that be helpful to the other students that are relying on these competitions for their future?

He continued, "piano, cheer, volleyball, mathletes, art. performance?" He looked at me with an unsure smile. "You listed that you can do all of these if necessary."

"I also listed gaming. Gaming competitions are a huge thing and I can probably list a bunch of students that would love to game in a club on school campus."

He nodded. "I see. Okay, why are you going so far? I know J doesn't think two feet ahead of himself and his friends aren't any better. This is all you but you don't seem interested in school at all. I got to talking with your other teachers. Asleep in most of them. Doodling or reading a book. You don't work in class. After raising your hand once you check out for the rest of class periods."

"Once is enough to check off participation," i said.

He set down my lists of benefits to a hobby club. "You're a smart girl and according to Indie, you're a nice girl, too but from what I see... you really hate it here. Is there a problem you're having that you need help with?"

I leaned back and rolled my eyes. Gosh, where to start?

"No, sir."

He sighed. "I'll take these notes over to the staff. See what they think. If they approve it then you got yourself a club... other than that, if you have any need of assistance, I'm here."

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