Chapter 9

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"Where are you off to this time?" Charlie was cleaning his gun on the dining room table. I had stayed late with the others yesterday and forgot to call to let him know where i was. Of course he wasn't mad since he knew Grace and Simon but he was upset because he was worried. Since i spent the time apologizing i forgot to mention today to him as well.

"I'm heading to Simon's." I took a seat next to him. Charlie liked the Hawke brothers. They were respectful and sincere. Very open, Charlie said. He was shocked by Augustus mostly who never censored himself. Vulgar, but not a bad kid. "Just to hang out since they didn't come to the beach trip."

"Are you staying out late again?"

"No i'll make sure to come home on time. School day tomorrow."

Charlie smiled at that. "Call me if plans change."

"Will do. Love you dad."

"Love you kiddo."

I took my bike and got a running start before hopping on. The weather was cold and really windy. I would definitely force them to buy me some hot chocolate for the audacity they had in telling me come over early.

Simon and Augie lived on the outskirts of Forks in some tiny house. There wasn't much lighting considering the sky's that barely allowed sun and the tops of the trees that grew around the house as if embracing it. Their would be front yard was a disaster of fallen leaves, muddy puddles and dirty sludge. I want a weekend to help them clean this. Maybe over vacation.

Despite the mess, there was a clear stone path from the road side to their house that they kept clean as to allow their car an easier time coming in and out. At least they knew what was important.

  I left my bike on the side of their house and knocked. I peeked in through the window. Thick curtains blocked everything. I knocked again louder. Augie answered with eyes barely opened. He allowed me only enough room to shimmy through the door before he slammed it shut. Making the room fall into complete darkness again.

"Good morning." I said and he grunted in response.

Inside the house they had dark heavy curtains as seen from outside and a deep purple couch with black leather. The furniture looked like hand crafted second hand goods and the table, cluttered with an assortment of papers, books and boxes,  laid in a corner buried under the items on top of it.

"Not a morning person?" I asked bumping into a coffee table i didn't see. I hissed and rubbed my shins. 

It wasn't my first time over but it was my first time stopping by so early in the morning and the first time I've seen Augie is such disarray. He moved around his house in such precision around the items while i bumped and crashed into them. I cursed under my breath until he held another door opened that allowed a little bit of light to flood through. I entered.

Simon had his head buried in his pillows. 

Augie tossed himself onto his bed and sunk into the mattress.

"Come on guys. Seriously?" I sighed taking a seat on Simon's non broken mattress.

"We said morning. Not the crack of fucking dawn." Augie grumbled.

I stared over at their alarm clock. They had ripped it off the wall and tossed it to the other side of the room. "It's nine. Hardly the crack." I said.

Simon grabbed at my arm, "shh... sleep."

"Guys, I thought we were going out for breakfast."

"Sleep." Simon groaned.

"Sleep! Mortal!" Augie demanded and dramatically hissed at the sliver of light from the nightlight Simon had.

The amount of times i came over i could count on one hand. They really didn't like having visitors all that much. Their items and mess made it clear what they were and they didn't like the pity. Lucky for them i never gave them pity.

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