Chapter 112

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Simon came home with some snacks and the receipt of sent boxes. He came to sit to my right, not outright ignoring Charlotte but definitely focused on other things in his head. He had been keeping an eye on me it seems. 

I still vaguely remember waking up that first morning with two completely vision in my view. It wouldn't surprise me if Simon had started keeping an eye on me all the time now. Now that he can. I still haven't quite figured out how to summon it up on command. I could focus it away but selecting and bringing it up is a completely different thing.

"Hi Simon," Charlotte greeted after he had sat down in silence. Simon didn't respond to her. He just tilted his head a little in acknowledgment that she was there and speaking. 

"Simon's been up all morning," i began. "The mornings make him weak."

"I know."

"He's also just an annoying dick—- uh, um don't repeat that."

She laughed. Simon snapped out of it the moment Augustus came down. Where Simon more or less ignored Char, Augustus went out of his way to ruffle her hair. I couldn't help but compare it to the first time they actually met her. I swear it was Augie that was against the young girl at the start. 

"I don't want to go out again," Simon muttered stifling a yawn. "Augie, Mari will need—"

"Ingredients for dinner," he sighed. "Carlisle is on his way, already. Overheard the conversation. As they tend to do." 

"Ah good. Brownie points."

"Why don't you go to sleep," Charlotte suggested.

"Got to see the father when he comes," Simon answered her. I eyed Charlotte for a bit. 

She was still smiling but it was easy to tell that she was bothered by the statement. Nervous, to be more exact. She didn't like the implication of Simon calling Charlie father.

I set my hand on hers and nodded to her. I wanted an explanation and so she showed me. She showed me Bella spending time with the family. I'm not sure what was happening in the memory that Charlotte was sharing but the main point was that Bella refers to Carlisle as dad occasionally. She married into the family so it made sense for Bella to do that but I quickly understood the concern.

Simon calling Charlie dad implied that he'd marry me. If he married me, just like Bella who moved in with the Cullens and left Charlie, I, too will leave Charlie and join Simon... I assume she already knows Simon's standing with the Cullen family even if she doesn't know the exact reason as to why. She already knows that if I marry Simon, then the chances of being with her are reduced even further.

"You worry too much for nothing," Simon muttered sparing a glance towards Char. "I'm not taking her away."

It's like he read her fucking mind.

He sighed. "I tapped into you. Guess you haven't figured out how to do that yet."

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I wasn't offended and it didn't really feel intrusive. The idea of Simon and Augie tapping into my sight and memories and emotions literally couldn't be more convenient. 

I simply nodded. "Simon's right, Amorsita, he won't take me away. He knows I wouldn't want that."

She smiled.

Dorian made his way down the stairs with a string of curses running out of his mouth. He waved his phone in the air and glared down at me. "Indie's a fucking pain in the ass!"

"You don't say," i snorted.

"She yelled at me for calling her so goddamn early. It's fucking past noon!"

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