Chapter 87

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                            Finding Oliver, was a simple task the no one questioned. Grace and Theo understood better than anyone what trouble Oliver could cause if he truly put his mind into it. Theo remembered the first time he's seen Oliver partake in martial art tournaments and kendo and gymnastics. It was amazing to him to see someone so good at everything. The trophies and medals and certificates that lined up the walls of Oliver's house weren't just for show.

His parents might have used him as a show pony but Theo couldn't particularly blame them. No matter what it was from athletics to academics to the arts, Oliver always excelled. He was something to marvel at and because of this fact no normal human really got anywhere near him. They were too inferior. Even in manners, if Oliver tried he would be the perfect behaved boy that any parent wished for. 

The only reason Theo and Grace became his friends was because Oliver desired it. He was the one that gathered Theo and Grace into his circle and later found and collared the Hawke brothers. None of them could say that Oliver was anything other than a lonely eccentric child that was too beyond the realm of human, to play with other humans. It was hard to see him as someone that would want to cause them and their friends harm but at this point what were they supposed to believe?

None of them were able to think of anything that might clear Oliver's name from the accusation Mari threw at him. The accusation was solid. Mari, herself, didn't seem pleased to be right about it. So what were they supposed to do?

After leaving the house and finding Theo and Detri in the middle of hunting, everyone had one second to explain what the mission was. Theo, muttered a thank god under his breath.

"You mean thank, Mari," Augie grumbled. "She's the one that's going to suffer if things don't go right."

"Like death isn't us suffering," Diego said.

"If we just die that will be a gift. Don't forget that Oliver has gotten into a nasty hobby of turning vampires into weapons," Grace said and everyone collectively shivered. It was an already known implication of what it meant for the vampires that were turned into weapons. Vampires don't die unless they're burned. Body parts that are torn apart all seek their main bodies. In a sense the vampires in the arrows were all alive. That's what made them so horrifying. 

"Are we going to kill him?" Bree asked.

"No," Theo said. "We talk."

"We find him first. The faster we can get back the better, I'm sure we don't have that much time left," Grace said naturally taking the leadership position. She shared a glance with Demetri as if she wanted to apologize for automatically playing leader again. She didn't want it but she's done it for nearly three years now and it had become somewhat of a habit but Demetri didn't seem at all bothered.

"You know him best. I'll look for him and you think as to how we approach," he simply shrugged.

And so everything started with Augie. He hopped onto Demetri's back and with Theo's orders he shoved as much of his own powers to heighten up Demetri's already powerful tracking ability.

"Simon said Oliver's magic feels like a giant fortress. If you can't see him then just look for that wall and we go there," Augie said being helpful at last rather than just complaining.

Diego and Fred patted Augie's back. For some reason it felt like they were apologizing to him. Grace chuckled at the sight of them. Augie not complaining was overall a nice sign that he was sincerely worried and unsure of what he's supposed to be doing. And watching the other two boys trying to reassure him was sweet. It was clear to Grace that they had gotten closer on the week they spent away from the Cullen house.

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