Chapter 72

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Oliver had been absent for a long time. 

Absent from life in general. That isn't to say that Oliver didn't enjoy some aspects of it. It was only that the things he's enjoyed were very small in comparison to the things that caused pain.

At some point Oliver had given up. Everyone he connects with will eventually die anyway. There was no clear reason to ever really connect with others. Oliver's relationships were built around the desire to not be alone only. This life was no different.

The only glimmer of hope was that his only friends here were similar to him. Reincarnated souls that have found themselves here. Oliver claimed them immediately as his own. Children with no clue as to how they got there that he could guide and protect. 

Oliver thought of them like that. Just children and he the veteran of reincarnation. He knew how to blend in and showed the others how to and with hope... Oliver believed that they could live forever. Friends he would never lose because this be a world with Immortal creatures. All they had to do was find a way to gain immortality.

Enter Isabella Swan and suddenly the key to immortality walked into the palm of Oliver's hand.

Oliver's experience with immortality so far was beyond what he was expecting and a spark of curiosity had caused him to ask himself just how immortal can an immortal be. He wanted to test it and knew that he wouldn't be able to living with the Cullens. So Oliver feeling like his friends would stay relatively safe with the Cullens, he decided to go out and explore the world.

Oliver's previous immortal life wasn't exactly permanent. Killed by poison and he still bled. Long life indeed as long as nothing else killed you.

To be at his strongest in this life as a vampire Oliver fed on humans. Preferably he would have liked to not need to kill anyone but he couldn't well enough leave a trail of future vampires in his wake. Murder wouldn't have been a new thing to him so it wasn't a difficult decision to make. 

Once he was at his strongest he quickly wanted to see what might potentially kill him. From what he knew of Carlisle trying to die, starvation, jumping off cliffs and drowning would not work. Their bodies would piece themselves together. And from what he already knew only fire would be able to destroy them completely.

So Oliver cut his pinky and watched in fascination as his skin knitted together. 

He tried eating regular food to see how his body reacted to it. It wasn't an automatic response but it felt uncomfortable to swallow and he had to throw it up to clear his insides. So with that understanding Oliver worked his way from molding foods, to garbage, to raw meats, to poisonous plants and to house hold chemicals. Ultimately, he felt awful having anything other than blood inside him but it didn't kill him.

His body was pretty indestructible, as he expected from an immortal body.

Around this time he heard that Izzy was no longer in this world.

Some time had passed since she left and Oliver wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. Meeting her had been a stroke of luck. The fact that she was like them opened the door to what Oliver has wanted and he was expecting her to still be with them.

There was a hint of jealousy as Oliver wished above all else for a way to return to the life he missed but there wasn't much he could do except be happy that she had that opportunity at all. Unlike the rest of them she hadn't lived a full life or a meaningful one and she wasn't prepared to go. 

Oliver had then ran into his first vampire that wasn't a Cullen. It was a really handsome man that didn't seem to be any older than Carlisle and looked eerily familiar to a face Oliver has long since missed. He was perhaps around his late twenties and early thirties. It was on this night that Oliver met him that the stranger had been hunting three teenage girls going home late at night from a party.

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