Chapter 67

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It felt like a claw digging into his side very slowly. There wasn't a way to fight it. This urge. To listen. To lean closer. To obey.

Isabella, skeletal bloated zombie, with a scratchy breaking voice, kept talking like nothing was wrong. She jokes first. That's something she does. Lightens the mood. Makes everyone relax... and considering the circumstances people want to be relaxed. Maybe she'll put her foot in her mouth— oops, stupid Iz. She's so dumb, doesn't think two steps ahead of herself. Maybe she'll be insightful, make us believe that she's smart and knows what she's doing. Maybe she'll drop a hint casually... like

"Just want to know he'll be here. Feels safer with a doctor around when I'm ready to pop at any second."

They all look at her. Grace and Theo reacted first. The rest of them just responded to them. Isabella, dark hair, dark eyed Isabella 'not-Bella' Swan is smiling at them. 

"Hey Rose, can I walk?" She continued and Grace is about to go but Augustus' hand grabbed her. 

"Are you sure?" Edward asked.

 It dawns on them. This was it. This was the moment. This was Augustus' later.

He digs into his pocket. Which set's off Grace to hiss at Theo to call Oliver. Grace is telling the others to go to the music room and stay in the music room. No matter what they smell and hear. They all nod and leave.

Oliver isn't picking up the phone.

"Rose hasn't let me fall yet." Isabella 'below average' Swan said convincing everyone in the room that she will be able to carry herself all the way to the restroom while looking like she was about to snap in half.

Grace tore the note from him.

It read: 1. take care of Bella through the pregnancy. Quick and painless.

                 2. My soul should be enough. 

                       Bring him back.

                for those I love and those I hurt. For those I leave behind. I'm sorry and thank you. 

                                  And for Edward, my husband and best friend. please  

                                                                           Be Happy.  

Grace sees the cup fall from the corner of her eye. The realization of the order Augie was meant to do sunk in. Grace without warning picks him up. Time seemed to move excruciatingly slowly. Isabella 'fucking pathetic' Swan, let's her legs buckle.

Augustus couldn't think straight. There was a lot to take in but his body was moving without him having to think. Take care of Bella and bring him back.

Augustus leaned over her. Grace catching her back and Rosalie and Edward were seconds away from catching her too. Augie set a hand on her chest and before the scream could escape her lips, he took away her pain.

Isabella 'foolish' Swan, gurgles and had the eyes roll to the back of her head but from that moment onward August pulled at what he could only call... his beloved Izzy and released her from it's place in this fragile body. Not to sleep but to the ether. Back to where ever she should be.

What's left in his arms is not his friend but just Bella.

Only Bella.

And she vomited a fountain of blood on him. 

Edward in a panic, ripped her out of Augustus's hands and shouted at Rosalie for morphine. Rosalie shouted at Alice to call Carlisle and Grace and Augustus sat in the living room frozen by what they just saw, shocked at what they had allowed to happen and empty at the realization of what had just happened.

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