Chapter 95

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Finals. Everybody hates them.

Except for me. I love finals and I love that Mrs Dean (my science teacher) made that deal with me to have the finals be the only grade that matters. My grade went from an F to an A in the span of twenty minutes.

Mr Torrez (English) wasn't down to give me the same deal. Not that i particularly needed or wanted it for English class but it would have been nice. English consisted of a lot of reading, essays, reports and poems. None of which was much of a challenge. Some of the books i had read already like... Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild and The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger. And some books I hadn't read before due to sheer stubbornness. Like Pride and Prejudice and To Kill a Mockingbird. Both of which... I liked. Would I read them again... no. I might buy a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird though. I liked that one enough to own it. A+

The finals for Math brought my grade from a B to an A.

The one for art has remained a consistent A-.

History, the bane of my existence, i can admit gave me a lot of trouble. It was the only class I actually paid attention in. Actually bothered to take notes in. Did my homework and class work for. I had studied my ass off and memorized dates, events, names of important historical people and such for that particular finals... I will quickly forget everything by the time I graduate middle  school.  For now though... I'm proud of my A-, in that particular class.

PE- A+ work hard, play hard and get the teacher to like you. 

Now I had a report card that would make Charlie proud.

 Justice and I were together in the club room. It would be the last time this semester that we will be here. He was helping me collect my things and put them away in the boxes that I brought them in. He had done his part well through out this semester despite all the gripe he had given the rest of us while he did it. 

If it wasn't for Mr Glenn and Gerard dealing with him, then I probably would have slapped him on the first week we had club meetings. 

The amount of time Dorian had to bother Justice had been reduced greatly. That isn't to say there weren't times he had cornered Justice. I never saw these moments though. The only proof of it was Justice's worsened mood on the days that it happened. 

Dorian didn't hide it from me either. When I asked him. He confessed. When I wanted to know why, even though I already knew the general gist of it, he just shrugged and claimed it was just because he could.

Dorian, I learned, wasn't an anime person. Not because he thought it was lame or anything like that. His little brother liked anime and sometimes he'd watch with him for the hell of it. He simply didn't like Justice but there was nothing in particular that Dorian can pick on Justice about (so he just chose what Justice loved the most to pick on him). As a human being he found Justice to be devoid of any personality worth picking on. He hated Justice long before any incident between them. The incident more or less gave him an excuse to lash out.  Indigo made him mad too but he didn't hate her. She was a sheep, in his opinion. But being a sheep was better than being nothing. And that's what Justice was to Dorian. Nothing. He didn't rationally know why that annoyed him. He just knew that it did. 

Dorian, of course, didn't really think about his actions. Didn't care to understand. He just went for it. If he was mad then he was going to hound Justice until he wasn't mad at him anymore. Simple as that. 

I didn't try to preach to him by saying he couldn't do that but I did invite him to come to a boxing gym with me. If he wanted to hit something, then we can go somewhere dedicated to just that. 

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