Chapter 113

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Glenn kept to his word and picked me up for brunch. I made a point of my intention by dressing up formally. Kind of like I was preparing myself for a job interview, which, should I see past results of my how those tend to go, I should expect a high chance of failure. However, it isn't particularly important for him to be included or not. I only really wanted him because his involvement would put me at ease to leaving everything to the kids. Even if I only got him to check in from time to time would be enough of a win for me. 

Glenn was dressed casually, but a nice casual. He wore the cardigan I bought for him three years ago. I'm not sure if he wore it because we were going out alone together for the first time since forever or because he liked it or if he was giving me a sign of some sort. Glenn wasn't one to subtly give me clues so I doubt it was the latter. 

I had to clear my head a bit as I rode the car with him. I keep trying to read into everything recently. It's the result of everyone coming back and not telling me everything that I should know. I disliked not knowing and I can't help but find a new appreciation to my new friends that don't have enough time to keep secrets and such from me. 

He drove us out to his place which surprised me. He said he wouldn't. He must have noticed my confusion for he shrugged and said, "You had me on speaker. Didn't want others to think we still have anything to do with each other."

"Is Indigo home?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "She's with our parents. It'll just be us. As you wanted."

"I do want that."

He shook his head and flicked my forehead. "Think before you speak or I'll drive you back."

"Yes sir."

Brunch was cooked by him. The last time he cooked for me was the next morning after we had that drunken night together. A long night of too much crying, too much drinking and too much touching.

Brunch is sort of our thing.

"One minute," he said setting down a plate of eggs in a basket and sausage links.

"I don't know if I'll be returning safely and I want to leave all of you something that will be useful to everyone. To make sure that my stories and business won't sink I need you to take charge," I said without much thought picking up my tea and contemplating where I should start on the plate. Glenn made it a point to always give me something to munch on when we talked. He said it was a good way to shut me up. Normally this doesn't work with actual food. He'd normally do so with chips and cookies but sausage links work just as well. The eggs will remain untouched though, it didn't matter if it was in the middle of bread.

He covered his mouth with his hand as he chewed. It was cute of him to be self conscious when he ate... none of his girlfriends found it endearing though. It's sort of hard to eat with someone that didn't want to be watched and normally wouldn't sit across from someone else while eating. I had told him that eating was a big factor of dating or any social events. Loner hasn't had either in a long time. So...

"Are you not planning on returning?" He asked.

"It's not so much planning as much as it's just a bad feeling," i muttered. "Like, I feel the plane will crash or something to that effect... I don't like planes."

"Just a hunch, huh?"

"Yeah, something like that." He took his time chewing again. I reached over to lower his hand which he pulled away to keep his mouth covered. "I worry for you sometimes," I muttered.

"Not very reassuring when the hot mess worries for me," he chuckled.

"Someone has to worry for you. You're so busy taking care of everyone else, you tend to get the short end of the stick."

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