Chapter 124

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Lightning struck the earth in rows and columns. It didn't cease. It didn't falter and it was only growing in its fury.

Augustus was screaming his head off. He was in pain. From the moment he first saw Simon's arm break. Pain just started emanating everywhere. His legs. His arms. His shoulder. His skin. His hip. His wrists. Everything was hurting. His insides hurt. His outsides hurts and worse than that, he kept seeing it. Experiencing it with them both. 

Her fear.

Simon's sorrow.

Augie just wanted it all to stop but he knew it wouldn't stop. That is the fate of the creations of Gods. Simon and Augie were created to be used by the people. Offer them hope. Offer them a chance at the expense of themselves. They will never be able to be happy. Never have true freedom.

And they did this to her.

Simon and Augie pulled Mari into their existence. To ease their own loneliness and suffering they wanted Mari and they took her. And now she is suffering what should have been the dragon's burden.

Augie should have been against it. He should have beaten up Simon more than just the one time. He should have thrown a tantrum. They should have never come back to her. They should have left her alone.

Simon, Augie cried in his heart. Simon, we did her wrong. We weren't helping her. We weren't protecting her. We were hoping her nature would free us of the things that hurt us and scare us. We searched in her a way out. We're no different from everyone else.

Augie continued crying out to the heavens. Summoning his lightning and thunder. Smiting the world around this castle. Around the tower. He felt the existence of Bella beside him but her voice was muffled by his screams and muffled by his tears and silenced by his pain.

Augustus felt a sharp pain in his gut. He shut his mouth. For a second there was silence.

Bella leaned down to him. Terrified at what she saw that he could do. Out of the two brothers she was scared of Simon the most. Simon who was super strong and super fast and breathed fire. Simon that no longer showed remorse when he killed animals, vampires or humans... but even Simon couldn't destroy entire acres of land at once.

That power was given to the gentle Augustus who despite his many threats... never chooses to kill anyone. Even just hurting others takes a lot of courage to muster.

Bella was scared of the wrong person.

"Augustus? Are you okay?" She asked gently not daring to touch him.

His body jerked and blood spewed out of his mouth in torrents. Bella stepped away, pressing herself against the wall. His blood never smelled appetizing to her but it was still human blood and she hadn't hunted properly.

He hacked up more blood before wiping at his lips. He glared out the window. "Not yet," he whimpered. Augustus hand flew to his throat. Remembering his death. Seeing Simon's head fly... feeling him flying further and further away from him. "They're not gone yet," he glared. "They're not done fighting... nor am I!"

Augie feared what he would do but he could see Grace and Leah and Rosalie. He could hear Edward and Demetri... they were struggling. They were overwhelmed by the extraordinary army that had come. Even when Augie leveled the entire lands they kept coming.

"Those third rate  infernal parasitic blights!" Augie shouted and the thunder rumbled in the sky. So loud that Bella had to cover her ears. He was readying another round of lightning to lay waste to the lands until none of the fucking vampires survived but the moment he called upon the skies once more to do as he demanded more blood ejected out of him but not just from his mouth. The blood poured out of his ears, out of his nose, out of his eyes.

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