Chapter 5

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I stubbed my foot walking out the door. My book bag i fumbled and it slammed to the ground, zipper- unrealistically- ripped open and my books scattered. Does this happen in the book? No. Does this happen in real life? 

"This is so fucking..." i inhaled deeply.

When i looked back down Edward had already picked them up. I took it from him. He was careful not to touch my hand. 

Unfortunately nothing has changed from the story. "Thank you."

"You're welcome.

I walked away in hope to find Simon before he left. I had to make a more straight forward sign for him to stop. 

Once i got to the entrance Erik Yorkie was waiting for me. "Hi Erik." I greeted.

"Bella." He barely managed to say. "So i was wondering."

"What is it?" I asked. Simon was still with Grace and Oliver, they were most likely waiting on Theo to come out.

"Um would you like to go the the spring dance with me?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "i thought it was ladies choice." I said and continued down the stairs. He followed loosing the confidence he had mustered to ask.

If he had asked to go as a friend i would have agreed to go but i know for a fact that he meant it to be something more and i couldn't agree to that. 

"Well yeah." He said.

"Anyway, I'm going to Seattle that day. Thanks for considering me though."

"Oh, well maybe next time."

I laughed awkwardly, "bye, Erik." I ran ahead and caught up to Simon, "so, you good to give me a ride today?" I asked.

He looked around to where Erik walked away from his car dejected. He leaned in close to whisper into my ear, "is it happening? Are they finally pouncing to strike?"

Oliver leaned in too, "why are we whispering? Is it time? Are we going to see heartbreak?" He asked.

I laughed again this time a sincere one, "How did you guys know?"

Oliver giggled softly behind his hand, "we live for the drama." He said, "so who'd you turn down already. Last i heard Mike Newton had to lick his wounds by substituting you with Jessica."

Simon pointed toward Erik, "one left." He said.

"Tyler Crowley." I said and shook my head, "please take me home." 

Grace leaned back against her car, "or you can just ask someone and have a reason to reject him."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to Seattle." I said. I really have to at this point. 

"Tyler alert." Simon whispered, "let's go." His hand found mine and he began to pull me to his car. I slipped into the passenger seat. Simon slipped into the drivers seat. He started the car but he didn't pull out of his spot yet. "Have to wait for Augie."

I slumped in my seat. "I hate this." I said, "... has anyone asked you yet?" 

Simon shook his head, "people don't approach me or my friends. They could tell we're a little... extra. Too much for normies to handle."

I snorted, "are you going to the dance?" 

"Are you asking me?"

"I thought about it but i don't want to go."

"Grace is going with Theo and Oliver. She asked them both and is planning on staying near the buffet table the whole time while they dance."

"That's sweet."

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