Chapter 85

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Bella shook me awake once we got home. She offered a smile and jutted her chin towards my window where Simon had his face pressed against the glass. He looked exhausted despite it being closer to night, the only time he was completely awake and energized.

"Mari, I really want to get along with you," Bella said before letting me step out. She handed me my clothes that i had tossed in the back seat, all neatly folded. Between the folded clothes were all of the documents prepared for our escape. "... we should talk more."

I took my clothes and nodded. "We'd have to eventually. We're family now."

She grinned and stepped out to go to the house. I'm sure she would make a beeline towards Charlotte. I stayed in that seat for a bit and only moved when Simon got tired of waiting outside and opened the door for me.

"Good time?"

"No," I said. "I would have rather stayed and practiced again."

Simon took my clothes from me and took me out back. There was no one in the house really. I imagine they all went to hunt and that was why Bella left so easy without bothering to toss up her shield. Regardless is was a good thing. I wanted to get rid of these papers but didn't want to waste money either so I couldn't just ask Simon to burn them. 

"Do you mind taking me to the cottage. I want out of these clothes."

Simon looked down at the skin tight black dress and smiled brightly. "Sure thing."

The next day I practiced more shooting with just Kate, Garrett, Ed and Bells on the field seeing as the other vampires still haven't returned. And at this point I had given them pointers in how to fight somewhat as a team from what i had observed from them individually. Bella was still very green in a fight which she makes up for by being super strong. So I told her to take the lead of the charge with Garrett. Edward being able to read everyone's mind would be in charge of backing up Bella, as he couldn't read her mind to cover her without keeping a close eye on her but he would also have to play clean up for the other two if they were in a bind. Kate, I asked her to be supporter. I didn't want her charging in for a kill. I didn't want her running off on her own. If she sees an opening to incapacitate someone she will take it but otherwise leave the murder to someone else. In this case since her enemy is just me and Simon she will either want to incapacitate me quickly so the others could focus on Simon or get Simon with all she's got so the  others could strike him out.

"Simon, I need you to give me reaction time, sight, hearing and speed. Don't bother shielding me and just go on the offensive to the most of your ability."

Simon wiped his hands on his pants, "I'll make sure you can move fast enough to run if you have to then."

I nodded. "Please do."

Once we started Edward was already running out behind me with Bella charging right at Simon. Kate on my other side and Garret grappling Simon from behind. I thought quickly to Bella and Charlotte and the rest of the Cullens dying. Edward faltered slightly. Which was enough of an opening I needed to run. Simon pushed up against Garrett and kicked out both feet towards Bella's face. She moved out of the way which Simon took advantage of. As his body pushed forward at full force he planted both feet firmly on the ground and tossed Garrett over his head. Sending Garrett flying through the air and allowed Bella to strike him against his arm. Simon flew and skidded against the ground, conveniently or maybe he set himself up to do this, close to Edward who was catching up to me as I ran. I stopped in my tracks as Simon grappled with Edward and shot multiple arrows. A few at everyone. Kate grabbed my arm and I shuddered and hit the ground. Simon grabbed one of the fallen arrows and swung at Edward but Edward stepped back and with the momentum Simon had instead directed the direction of the arrow towards Kate. And the arrow left his hands and charged right at her. 

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