Chapter 110

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Charlotte looked a lot like her father. I saw it in the way she smiled and in the way she awkwardly laughs to herself. Even the way her hands were shaped reminded me of Edward. They were pianist hands.

I hadn't stopped crying. I was just taking her all in and it was... a lot. She was tall and thin. She looked delicate, as if a sudden breeze could push her over but I knew that wouldn't be true. I could feel it, in her grip that she held my hand in... she was just as strong as any vampire. Sturdy but unlike them, warm. She hadn't let go of my hand after we took our seat. I don't want her to let go. 

She was pushing little memories into me. Memories of a thirteen year old me, taking care of her. Singing to her. Teaching her. Advising her. Promising her, that everything was going to be okay. She pushed our goodbye and then the two other meetings we had at Charlie's place. I had been  a young girl in her head.

"You've changed so much," she said. She was taking me in too. She showed me all of the differences she couldn't help but notice. I looked thinner. A little gaunt, actually. There were dark bags under my eyes. Tired lines. Less... lively. "... I'm here now." She said it because she knew I needed to hear it.

Seeing myself through her eyes, i realized that... i was much more than a hot mess.

"I've been waiting," i told her. That wasn't particularly true. I wasn't waiting anymore. I gave up on her. Bella would never allow it. So I decided to accept, that Charlotte wasn't mine. So I shouldn't be hurt.

"I asked dad about you all the time. And Auntie Alice too," Charlotte said. "This is like a dream come true... I never forgot about you mommy. They told me everything you've been up to. Alice kept me updated as much as she could!" She grinned.  She practically shined. "I started learning to paint, too. Grandma taught me! I know you liked to do it, so I wanted to get good too... oh, I brought you a gift but I left it with Jacob."

My heart was melting the more she talked. She was showing me the memories slowly of course. Char preferred to speak with her gift over using her words but she was speaking. I got to hear her voice again. That too brought tears to my eyes. Everything about her was so new and i felt so odd, like a was meeting a stranger and yet she was so undeniably her.

I missed so much of her growth. I knew this would hurt.

"Where is he?" I asked keeping my voice in check.

"I left him near Mt Laguna. I couldn't wait any longer." She turned to smile at Carlisle. "Then I ran into grandpa Carlisle on my way here."

"Ditched, huh," i laughed. "I'm sure that's upsetting for him."

"He could live with it," she said.

The statement caught me off guard but it made me happy too. 

Carlisle handed me a tissue, which I took.

"Don't let him hear you say that. It'll break his little heart."

"Jacob is a very patient gentleman when it comes to Charlotte," Carlisle reassured. "I'm sure being ditched doesn't even make it on his top five of things Charlotte has had him endure."

That caught my interest. I looked expectantly for him to continue but Charlotte waved her hands  in front of my face to gather my attention. 

"That's not important!" She said assertively. "And he doesn't matter right now."

She's blushing. Oh, i heard they weren't in a relationship but it's clear to me that Charlotte still very much liked him. Even when she was younger she understood her claim over the boy. Her Jacob. Just as possessive over her wolf as her mother is over Edward.

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