Chapter 54

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I awoke to Charlie taking a shower. Edward was still here. Surprisingly on the bed next to me. Normally he stayed on the chair at night. Not tonight then. The moment I opened my eyes he moved off the bed and opened the curtains to allow some light into the room. He had moved my books back onto the shelf, probably last night, so the window would be unblocked. 

"Good morning," he said, "Alice will be here soon. So I'm going to go."


He opened the window and looked out a bit, "I'll see you later."


"Happy Birthday, Isabella."

I smiled, "go away now, Edward."

I organized Bella's books onto the shelf and decided that I'd leave the majority of mine. Lugging books wasn't an easy thing after all. I will take four books with me. The Last Werewolf series, the first set Edward had ever bought for me and The perks of being a wallflower.

I hopped into he shower after Charlie exited. Trying to keep myself focused on just the shower so i wouldn't stay inside for an hour or two.

Alice was tapping her foot on my bedroom floor when I was finally done. I locked the door behind me.

"You certainly take your time!" She grinned and skipped over to me. "Happy Birthday!"

"Aren't we in a hurry?" I asked pulling her into a hug. She giggled.

"Of course! I'll do your hair first. Come and sit!" 

Alice worked quickly to pin my hair up and then to do my makeup after. I watched the clock and tapped my foot impatiently as she worked. I had to go to work. I got a half day for today and should be back by twelve ish. Which would give Sue enough time to have cooked everything she was going to. 

"You should have called the day off," Alice said.

"I literally just started and am going to stop by mid November. I'm not going to call off."

"I don't understand you sometimes," she sighed, "You're lazy but you work hard."

"So you noticed."

"We could take care of your human needs you know."

I shook my head. To this i will have to be adamantly against, for completely different reasons from Bella who is 'responsible'. "I have two extremes. I either work really hard... or not at all. If I stop working then you'll only be feeding my bad habits."

"Oh no," she said sarcastically, "we can't have that. Oh, Charlie is done getting ready. Get dressed to get dropped off on time."

"Okay, thanks Alice." 

"Edward is picking you up at eight. Be dressed before then."

Alice's left through the window as I rushed to get my uniform on. I ran out the room, sliding down some steps and stopping by Charlie sitting down to have some breakfast. I bounced on my feet not wanting to interrupt the start of his meal. He hadn't even taken his first bite. He looked up at me and we both glanced to the clock. 

First day, muttered under his breath. He gets up and grabs his keys. I yanked open the door and rushed to the cruiser. Charlie taking his time to pull on a jacket and lock the door. 

"Calm down. You weren't this nervous when you were hired for Newton's place," he teased getting into the car. I slid into my seat.

"I had an in at Newtons. This is a whole new territory. I never been in food. I hate the idea of working food. People are so ugh with their food! You can't make a mistake with people's food! It's blasphemous."

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