Chapter 82

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It was the Romanian vampires. 

Edward let go of my arm and looked towards Bella. I wonder what he was thinking right now... but whatever it was, he wouldn't say it. Not if it wasn't important. Not if he thought it would hurt one of us.

You don't have to worry about me, I thought to him. He frowns a little before darting into the house with Bella's hand in his and most of the others did the same. I stood there already knowing what was happening and instead decided to stay with Demetri and Jacob that had yet to make any sudden moves. They were probably thinking of what they should be doing themselves.

Jacob only had concern for Char, which was fine with me. I had plenty of people looking out for me already. Enough, that Esme thought i would be fine walking around unattended. And Demetri was currently in charge of me. Even if he wanted to go, he had to first make sure that I was fine, not as fine with me walking around unattended as Esme was. 

Perhaps this was their way to keep me in check? Keep other's in check? Maybe they just want to make sure i won't fall, bleed and summon the mob we've brought here to be witnesses down upon me. Not that there was a chance of that happening. I haven't suffered from clumsiness since inhabiting this body. In fact this body seemed pretty agile and well coordinated. 

But that isn't important right now. I'll have plenty of time to see the full capacity of this body but right now, what should I do?

Considering the vampire's heightened senses they would probably hear all of my conversations no matter where i am in the house, so, i decided that i wasn't going to go to the attic just yet but i would like to talk to Gabriel all the same while everyone else settled down over our visitors and yet, wasn't this an opportunity? To purposely go ahead and plan but exclude everyone else.

"Detri," i said using his nickname that everyone else in our coven seemed to have started using. "I want to see the visitors."

He wasn't sure about that. "For what purpose?"

"Don't worry," I said. "Nothing bad." I assured him. 

He didn't seem assured but he knew enough about my intentions to know that i wasn't going to do anything that would put us in danger. Yet. And when that yet hits, I'm sure i will have multiple voices yelling at me on all sides to get me to take a step back and stop... because Simon promised.

I looked at Jacob and he shook his head. He wasn't going to take Char in there until he knew if they were okay to be around. Until he himself, settled down, i suppose. 

"Take care of Char," i told him.

"That i can do," he responded and held her a little tighter. I guaranteed that I'd be right back to her and she agreed to sit still until she was either called over or I returned. I took her all in for the umpteenth time. Beautiful and smart.

Demetri lifted me away from her. I clutched onto his arm and we rushed over to join the others, where we walked into the middle of conversation.

"—misunderstanding, that is all." Carlisle was speaking. Still as calm as ever. "A very serious misunderstanding, to be sure, but one we're hoping to clear up. What you see are witnesses. We just need the Volturi to listen. We didn't—"

"We don't care what they say you did," the first one said cutting Carlisle off. Then his eyes darted to me the moment I arrived. So he assumed from there but just as he said, he didn't care. "And we don't care if you broke the law."

"No matter how egregiously," the second added, which probably meant he didn't believe that it was because of me that the Volturi was on their way. There was no reason why they would bring everyone here just for one human.

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