Chapter 80

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Edward couldn't read Gabriels thoughts. Theo reasoned that if it's someone Oliver sent, then maybe he had a charm on him somewhere and now there was the question as to why Oliver would send him.

Edward questioned Gabriel's intention but all Gabriel said was that if he didn't come things would be very bad for him. None of us understood what that meant. Edward turned to all of us and we turned to Theo and Theo didn't know. All he said was,

"If Oliver sent him to help us, then it can't be Oliver who's told the Volturi, right?"

I didn't quite think the same way. Considering Oliver's past lives, one of which he specialized in espionage, it didn't sit well with me to have someone who could potentially be his eyes and ears. 

I knew I should have probably stayed quiet seeing how Theo and Augie stood in front of me but i had to ask him if he had an ability. Gabriel said he didn't have anything in particular but most people he met considered him lucky. Not that he felt very lucky after having met Oliver.

Edward checked with Eleazar and Eleazar saw something but it wasn't anything dangerous like a sword or a shield. It seemed to him a very passive talent.

So Gabriel  was brought into the house and Theo volunteered to watch over him. Which meant that he could no longer be Augie's punching bag and since Edward still had a job to do we couldn't throw him under the bus just yet. So i decided to do it.

But I didn't want to waste time doing it either.

Most of the vampires went back inside except for Kate, Grace and Bella. The others going back in to keep an eye on Gabriel and continue explaining where they left of when it came to the Volturi. I took a seat and opened up my notebook. I looked over at Bella.

"Remember, rubber band."

Bella took a deep breath looking very constipated as she tried to focus. "Right, rubber band." She muttered.

I glared at Augie, "don't be a dick."

"No promises."

I looked down at the notebook and began to write down everything i knew about Oliver, his skills at least. I listed down his titles and then tried to list down what each of them might imply about his skills when my vision suddenly blurred and there was an intense pain lodging itself in the back of my eyes.

"Bella, you're not doing it," i said before I started to grit my teeth. The pain growing in intensity. It felt like something was shoving out of my skull. Pushing towards my eyes and the back of my skull. "Augie Stop!"

And the pain stopped. I pressed my face into the palms of my hands and through my pencil at him. "I said don't be dick!"

"I said no promises," he laughed, tossing the pencil back. "Okay okay. I'll try harder... next try."

I turned towards Bella. She was frowning. "I'm sorry. I'm trying."

I nodded and gestured for Augie to try again while i wrote down assassination to my list of things Oliver can do. "Bella, imagine that I'm Charlie or Jacob or Edward. And imagine Augie's going to kill me unless you shield me."

"Okay," she breathed and my vision went black.

Suddenly there was a small sting on my inner wrist. Then there were more stings around my body. I rolled my eyes as the pulsing pain grew. This was a familiar pain so I didn't react much to it. I wouldn't say it didn't hurt, especially since this body seemed to be a bit sensitive to pain but it reminded me of my first time and i lingered in the memory waiting for Bella to get me out of the growing trembling of my body. The moment air blows or even the contact i made with things around it sent my nerves screaming messages to each other that this was hurting much more that it could handle.

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