Chapter 107

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Fred came into the house the moment Dorian left the room. It had everything to do with Dori being human and even more to do with Dori being a  stranger, really. I don't think he ever really got comfortable being around so many people. He finally came to stand before me. 

"Hello, again," he said. There was the glimmer in his eyes. The way he saw me hadn't changed at all. I never did understand why he thought of me as something amazing but he did. Admiration, that doesn't particularly feel deserved.

"Hello, Fred. Good to see you again."

He closed his eyes momentarily, a confirmation that he appreciated the words. "I'd like to file a complaint about our last assignment," he said jokingly. "I refuse to travel with Augustus ever again. The others seem to think I'm his babysitter or something and have you seen the type of person he is?"

Laughing, i looked over at Augie who rolled his eyes in response.

"I'm sure they assign you to him because of your gift... but don't worry. I won't be sending you off to do anything ever again."

He nodded pleased. "Good, also I would like to add something to the report that Theodore gave. It has to do with what he failed to mention regarding our personal opinions of the situation."

Augustus groaned in what seemed to me like annoyance. He got up from his seat and stepped out of the room declaring that he was going to raid my bedroom, which he already found when he entered the house without permission earlier. No longer had he stepped out of the room Theo stood up and followed Augustus promising to make sure Augie didn't touch anything that shouldn't be touched. Which meant anything he might want to take to hoard somewhere.

Fred turned to Simon but Simon didn't seem to be moving anytime soon. He was set in his seat and staring directly as Fred. It wasn't a glare but it was definitely disapproving. 

I didn't mind Simon being there. He gets so quiet when others are around that I forget that he's here at all. The gaze wouldn't bother me either in any case. I can't say the same about Fred he seemed like he was one second away from using his powers.

I touched his arm to get Fred's attention and he sighed, which means he will relent to keeping Simon there. I like keeping Simon in my sights... is that, kind of possessive of me? I know I didn't mind him coming and going before but i really felt more comforted with Simon around.

"Theo tends to keep emotions out of the missions and reports for a reason... which is why he apologized this time since it seems emotions have been the cause of all of his choices. You understand that, yes?" I asked Fred.

He nodded. Normally this would mean that I shouldn't be listening to his request at all. Emotions get in the way of making the hard choices... but at this point what did that matter? There was no longer a threat. No one was in danger and I didn't have to make a tough choice. If Fred wanted to share a personal opinion then there was now nothing to stop him from doing so.

"Okay... anyway," i shrugged. "I also got emotional so we were both unprofessional in that way. So, go ahead. I'm all ears."

He smiled a little, his smiles were rare so I really appreciated seeing it. Fred pulled out a bundle of letters from his pocket, all of them crumpled and worst for ware. He handed them to me. I viewed them over and each and everyone of them had beautiful written words. I recognized the writing immediately. Edwards. Esme's. Carlisle's. One i didn't recognize. Charlotte's. All of the letters had return to sender on it.

Fred tried his best to ignore Simon who had now gotten out of his seat. 

"It is true that the Cullens stayed to help us but you must understand that they argued long and hard to be able to tell you everything, while the rest of us... didn't. Oliver managed to somehow prevent all communications with you, regardless of their attempts. They were quickly shut down."

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