Chapter 11

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Tuesday i was once again picked up by Simon. It was a nearly everyday thing with the exception of when he told me otherwise. Which wasn't often but i learned to ride the bike properly because of it even if breaking still seemed to be a problem. Charlie got it fixed, i just didn't seem to get it right.

This time Augie was with us too he hung out the window to yell a greeting to my dad who silently waved back. Oliver took the wheel an unusual combination as Oliver made it a very clear that he and Theo are nigh inseparable.

Dad greeted all of them happily and once again threatened them to take care of me well. I wasn't sure if he had to worry about that anymore or if he had to worry more. I was still trying to find my thoughts over what they revealed to me and today i would be getting more information, hopefully to help me understand what was going on. 

 Augie guaranteed my safety with his life on the line. Simon quietly accepted the task this time opening the back seat door for me. 

"I really like them." Dad whispered to me as he gave me a hug to leave.

"Enough to marry me off to one of them?"

His brows furrowed. "Are you?" He asked. I looked back and caught Simon's eyes. I felt my cheeks grow red. I don't have time for such things. I don't hope for such things. I don't want to even imagine it and didn't think it would be possible anyway with beings the way they are now.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Don't worry dad. I won't leave you until you're remarried and i have a little brothers named Jules."

He cleared his throat, "you'll be single for the rest of your life then." He said.

"Yup. Guess you're stuck with me."

He smiled shyly, "that won't be so bad."

 I kissed his cheek and we both went out separate ways.

I launched myself in and snuggled up beside Simon to absorb his warmth. He would drape his arm around me. I used to never feel the cold. The more days i lived here the more i felt it. The more i felt the need for sunny California. 

Oliver wasted no time to direct me straight to his bag and to a black folder full of paper written front and back with delicate cursive. 

"What's this?" I asked. 

"That's my life." Oliver said, "i had a problem choosing which one so i wrote them all."

Which ones? I flipped through pages. Six tabs separated specific sections and each section had a different name. They each had their name and race and class separated as we had prepared for pretenses int he cafeteria. Each section provided their entire lifetimes up to their deaths and he even provided portraits. Portraits of his character, no... of his past lives and he the family he had. Those that gave birth to him, raised him. Those that he loved, those that he married. Those that he cared about. Children.

Saintess Jessamine Wynne. Age 87. Suicide.

Sir Rosemary Therold. Age 22. Suicide.

Sorceress Calla Hawke. Age 63. Assassinated.

Prophetess Madalynn Marlowe. Age 593. Poisoned.

Spell-weaver Katherine Balthier. Age 35. Ripped apart.

Student Yukine Akiyama. Age. 20. Childbirth.  

"How's that for back story!" Oliver giggled, "i thought it was a bit much but i just had them lying about." He said.

"It's more than i was expecting." He chose the name Calla. His third life. "Is there significance to this one?" I asked. He hummed.

"I was happy. That's all." He said.

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