chapter three

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"I honestly cannot believe that you didn't tell me sooner," Eleanor spoke, sounding like she was in complete and utter disbelief as she stared at Harry from where she was sitting at the foot of his bed all whilst staring at Harry as if he had suddenly grown three heads. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asked, sounding almost hurt at the fact that Harry hadn't just told her sooner. And maybe he should have, but.

"I'm telling you now," Harry spoke softly, hoping that at least counted for something. "What was I supposed to say, El?" Harry questioned as he swiveled the office chair around to look at her again. "Should I have texted you right after to say 'hey, just letting you know I lost my virginity thirty seconds ago'?" Harry asked, putting it in air quotes as he kept his voice hushed in case his mother or his sister were home and happened to walk past his bedroom door at that exact moment in time.

"Well, I mean..." Eleanor said as she seemingly thought about it. "Yeah." She said once she'd made her mind up, making Harry laugh a little as he watched her. "Oh, my god. I can't even, like, process it." She spoke as she looked Harry up and down as if he suddenly looked like a completely different person now that she knew he was no longer a virgin.

"I just wanted to keep it to myself for a bit," Harry said, knowing that wasn't the only reason. Definitely not the entire reason. "And, I don't know. I just felt like I couldn't exactly tell anyone." He said with a small shrug of his shoulders. He rarely kept anything from Eleanor, but this particular detail of his life was one he wanted to keep to himself for a bit.

"Why not, H?" Eleanor asked, her voice laced with curiosity as she titled her head a little. "You know you can tell me anything." She said, hoping he knew that. They'd been friends for far too long for Harry not to realize that.

"I don't know," Harry said with a small shrug of his shoulders as he glanced down at his lap. "Just thought that, like. Whoever I told would've thought I was too young, too naive to have sex. Or think that I wasn't actually ready. And think I made the wrong choice about it." He admitted as he glanced back up at Eleanor. "Or ask if I regret it. Which I don't, by the way. Not at all." He said, watching the cogs in Eleanor's brain work as she tried to form a reply.

"Okay, first of all," Eleanor said as she sat up a bit straighter and then jokingly cleared her throat, earning a small smile form Harry, "what you decide to do with Louis is no one's business but yours and Louis'. So fuck what anyone else thinks." She says, making Harry snort as he leans further back into the office chair. "Second, you are the only one who gets to decide whether or not you were ready for something like that. So, don't let anyone convince you that you weren't. Or that you made the wrong choice in the matter." She said softly, shrugging her shoulders a little as she looked at Harry. "I'm glad you don't regret it." She said, offering him a little smile.

"Thank you. Me too," Harry said with another little smile as he thought back to that night. "I just... I really do love him, you know? And it just felt right." Harry said, biting his lip gently, still feeling a bit jittery after finally admitting it to someone, and Eleanor was smiling, seemingly happy for him. So he felt good.

"Who else knows?" Eleanor asked curiously as she lifted her legs up, wrapping her arms around them.

"I don't know," Harry said with a small shrug of his shoulders, feeling slightly uneasy about the fact that he doesn't know whether or not Louis told anyone. "I mean, personally I haven't told anyone except for you. I'm not sure who Louis has told." He admitted and then thought about it for a moment. "But I don't think he has." He said, knowing his boyfriend better than anyone. Harry had talked about it with him, letting him know he didn't know if he was comfortable with letting anyone else know at the time. It's just that they're young and, well, people have a lot of opinions on people their age having sex. If people at school knew, it'd spread like wildfire. And god forbid word somehow gets back to his mom about it from a classmate's parent.

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