chapter sixteen

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Gemma had arrived at Louis' house at a quarter to eleven and texted Harry to let him know that she was there, but he didn't even answer until eleven, and Gemma gave him space. It was his boyfriend's birthday after all.

Louis walked Harry out to Gemma's car and then opened her car door for him, letting him slip in. "Merry Christmas, Gems." Louis gave Harry's sister a small smile.

"Thanks, Louis. Happy Birthday." Gemma smiled amusedly and then watched the two boys as they talked quietly for a few moments before Louis leaned in to kiss Harry gently before pulling away and moved back to shut the car door for Harry.

"Thanks, Gems. Drive safe." Louis said and gave Gemma a small wave and gave Harry one last smile before walking back up to his own home.

"Wow. I've never seen that boy when he isn't looking completely and totally in love with you." Gemma laughed a little as she watched Harry buckle his seatbelt, a large smile set on his lips as he looked over at his sister.

"He told me he loves me, Gems," Harry admitted, feeling absolutely incredible at this given moment. "And he got me this necklace with his initial on it and I really love it and I love him and I'm just..." Harry trailed off as Gemma began driving towards their home.

"Good thing I'm not the only Styles acting all lovey and gushy. That would be so embarrassing." Gemma teased her younger brother and then glanced over at him for only a second before her eyes went back to the road. "You have a hickey on your neck," Gemma commented, a small smile set on her lips. "Might want to pull your coat closer to your neck."

"Yeah, yeah." Harry rolled his eyes playfully and then pulled down the visor to look at himself in the mirror to look at the mark Louis had left in absolute plain sight. 

When Harry arrived home with his sister, their mother wasn't home yet, but that didn't bother either of them. Gemma said good night to Harry then made her way upstairs while Harry lazily dragged behind, closing his door behind him after he'd taken his shoes and coat off.

As Harry tried to sleep that night, it was proving to be difficult and not because Christmas was the very next morning. When Harry was a bit younger, he was completely unable to sleep the night of Christmas Eve because he was too excited about opening all of his presents the next morning. Eventually, he'd always fallen asleep though without even realizing it.

Now, his thoughts weren't consumed with Christmas, but rather his boyfriend whom he loved very much. He also couldn't sleep because of what Louis' cousin said when she had been talking to Louis' mother. It was making him sick to think about, but he was in denial about what he knew had to be true. He didn't want it to be true.

It wasn't until the next hour or two that Harry decided to walk over to his desk, taking a seat and then opened his laptop, typing in his password and waited for everything to load. Once he was able too, Harry opened Google Chrome and let his fingers hover over the keyboard of his laptop, not even sure what to type. So, he settled with 'early signs of pregnancy.'

After reading through websites and articles and ticking off most all of the symptoms he'd been experiencing these past few weeks, he decided that maybe he shouldn't trust the internet on this one. The internet could be wrong after all. So, he decided maybe he should ask an actual pregnant person about their experience without letting on about the fact that he thought that he could possibly be pregnant.

Harry climbed back into bed and picked up his phone off of his nightstand and unlocked it, clicking on Emma's name in his recent calls without hesitation. It rang three times and then there was finally an answer.

"Harry?" Emma asked, sounding a little groggy and sleepy and that's when Harry realized that it was one in the morning and he'd probably just woken up his very pregnant friend.

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