chapter thirteen

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Today hadn't had a great start to it already and that was because Harry had woken up two hours before his morning alarm was supposed to go off because he woke up to stomach cramps. Not only that, but he felt nauseous as well, but he figured that's just because his stomach was hurting and he felt as if that was a normal thing.

Harry didn't feel as if he might get sick at any given moment, it was just a kind of sickly and uncomfortable feeling he was having, making it hard to fall back asleep. About an hour after he'd initially woken up, he felt like he really needed to pee, but honestly, the nausea was only getting worse and he felt like if he moved, he might get sick.

However, his bladder got the best of him and Harry carefully got out of bed before making his way out of his room and to the bathroom, shutting the door behind himself before using the restroom, still feeling pretty queasy. He was worried he was sick because the flu, more specifically, the stomach flu had been going around school for the past month or so and it didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.

Harry had luckily used the bathroom and washed his hands all without even being close to throwing up, but regardless he needed that uncomfortable feeling to subside quickly because he was supposed to be getting ready for school in the next hour or so.

Right as he'd made it down the stairs, he heard the front door being unlocked and then his sister walked through the door. "Gemma?" Harry asked softly and then watched her as she shushed him. "Where have you been?" He questioned as she moved closer to him and it was easy to tell from her smeared makeup and inside out shirt where she'd been and who she'd been out with.

"Why are you up so early?" Gemma ignored his question and then looked over her younger brother with a concerned face.

"Oh, I felt sick. I was coming downstairs to make myself some breakfast. Hoping it'll make the nausea go away." Harry explained softly and then rubbed at his eyes tiredly.

"Oh." Gemma nodded her head a little and then reached her hand over, feeling Harry's face with the back of her hand. "You don't feel sick at all." She said softly. "You look really tired though." She pointed out and then looked over Harry's face again. "Why don't you go lie down on the couch while I go upstairs and change? Then I can make you breakfast, yeah?" She asked.

"No, you need sleep, don't you?" Harry asked softly as he looked up at his sister with a questioning look.

"Baby brother, I can run off of caffeine. I've pulled all-nighters before, no big deal." Gemma assured, a small smile set on her lips. "Just... go lie down on the couch and I'll make breakfast." She repeated, looking as if she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. So, Harry nodded his head and then walked over to the couch after grabbing a warm blanket and lied down, watching a little television on a quiet volume while Gemma went upstairs.

When Gemma came back downstairs, she no longer had any makeup on her face, her hair was thrown up into the most horribly messy bun Harry had ever seen in his life, and she was in her pajamas. She looked as if she'd been sleeping all night instead of out somewhere with her boyfriend.

"Here," Gemma said as she walked into the living room, setting a plate of crackers and a piece of toast on the coffee table along with two cups of some type of herbal tea. "This will get rid of your nausea." She assured and then glanced over at Harry. "I was going to make a big breakfast for you, but then I decided that there was no point if you're feeling sick. So, if you feel hungry after your nausea goes away, I'll get back in the kitchen." She said and then sat down on the couch near Harry's feet before he'd sat up, watching his sister sip from the cup. "Oh, and just sip the tea. Wouldn't recommend gulping it down."

"Why are you being so nice?" Harry asked as he sat up and reached to pick up his own cup of tea. "Don't get me wrong, you definitely aren't the worst as far as sisters go, but you're like... being super nice right now."

"I had a good night," Gemma said and Harry nodded his head a little before taking a small sip of his tea and then reached over to grab his piece of toast, taking a small bite out of it.

"Wow, he's really that good?" Harry asked with a small smile as he looked over at his older sister, who only smiled and then looked away from her brother.

"We aren't talking about this," Gemma replied and then shook her head, "but it wasn't just the sex that was that good, you know? It's him. He's good. He's... such a great guy." Gemma admitted softly. "I've gone through so many shitty guys and he is just... amazing, Harry." She said with a bright smile as she looked over at her younger brother. "I think I might be falling in love with him."

"Woah," Harry replied softly as he looked over at Gemma, biting into the toast again afterward. "I've never heard you say that... you love, or could possibly love, someone you've dated until now." He said softly after swallowing the piece of toast.

"I know, I know." Gemma laughed a little and then looked up at the television. "And I know it sounds ridiculous because we've been dating a short amount of time. But we've known each other for a while now. It's just that neither one of us has tried to be anything more than friends but... now that we are more than friends I realize how much I was missing when it came to him. I thought I knew everything about him until we started dating and now I know so much more about him and he's so much... better than I thought he was." She said and then took another sip of her cup of tea, seemingly getting lost in her thoughts afterward.

"Earth to Gems..." Harry said as he watched his sister and then smiled a little at her when she'd looked over at him.

"Sorry," Gemma spoke and then shook her head. "I'll let you finish your toast and crackers. I'm gonna go upstairs and shower. Just knock on the door if you need me." She smiled at Harry and then stood up, making her way upstairs.

Harry finished eating his toast and his crackers, only taking a few sips of his tea every now and again before he'd grown tired of it. He watched some movie that was on, still on a low volume as he let the crackers and toast do whatever magic they were supposed to do. 

Harry stood up after a while and took the plate and the cup of tea to the sink before checking what time it was. He still had some time to kill, but he noticed that his stomach felt better already. Well, when it came to the nausea anyway. His stomach was still cramping, but he felt as if that would subside in no time at all if the nausea was pretty much gone after simply eating toast and crackers.

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