chapter seventeen

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"So, where is everyone?" Eleanor asked when she walked into Harry's house, kicking her shoes off next to the door.

"Mum's working and Gemma is at her boyfriend's house," Harry explained quickly and then glanced down at the plastic bag hanging off of Eleanor's arm. "Let's... go upstairs." He said softly and then locked the door before heading upstairs with his friend.

"Look, just breathe," Eleanor said as she sat the bag down on his bed and then pulled the box out of it, handing it over to Harry. 

Harry looked down at the box in his hands, unable to process the reality of the situation. This was absolutely ridiculous and he didn't know how or why he had been so careless in the first place. Perhaps he wouldn't be where he was currently if he'd been more careful. No, he definitely wouldn't be where he was currently if that had been the case.

"Harry?" Eleanor spoke as she looked at her friend, a look of concern written all over her face because Harry hadn't made a sound in the past ten minutes or so and instead had been staring at the box in his hands, unmoving and completely focused.

"Yeah?" Harry asked after a few more moments of silence and then tore his eyes away from the box to look at Eleanor instead.

"I'll... be right here. Whenever you're ready to..." Eleanor trailed off and then looked down at the box in Harry's hand again, the thing she'd bought for him that morning at their local pharmacy.

"Yeah... thanks, El," Harry spoke softly and then looked down at the box yet again. "I guess I should just get it over with, yeah? I mean... knowing is better than not knowing." He said quietly, swallowing thickly.

"Knowing is better than not knowing." Eleanor agreed and then offered Harry a sympathetic smile. "No matter the result... I'll always be here for you. I just feel the need to tell you that."

Harry gave her a small nod and then let out a shaky breath before heading out of his room and went to the bathroom across the hall, shutting and then locking the door behind him.

Harry opened the box hesitantly as if something horrendous would pop out of the box and end life as he knew it. Even if that wasn't the case, it still kind of felt like the little white stick would be the end of life as he knew it.

Harry read the instructions although they were pretty straightforward and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out exactly how to use it. After Harry had done what the instructions said, he put the cap on the end of the stick and placed the stick on the counter while he washed his hands, drying them off afterward.

The instructions had told him that the wait time could be up to five minutes, but it could also be less than that. Harry didn't know which he was more anxious about. The immediate results or having to wait for the results.

Harry put the toilet lid down and sat down on it, thinking over everything and nothing all at the same time. He felt as if he were in shock, that none of this was real.

When Harry finally felt ready to look at the results of the test, he took a few deep breaths and told himself that no matter what the results were, he would be fine. One way or another, he would be fine. Even if things weren't fine, they would be.

Harry stood up and looked at himself in the mirror before reaching down to grab the little white stick, picking it up to read the results.


Harry never thought one little word could terrify him, but he was proven wrong. He looked at himself in the mirror again and then started laughing a little because all of this still felt unreal. How could this be happening?

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