chapter six

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"Have you heard?" Zayn asked softly once he'd sat down at the table in the school's library where his other three friends were. Harry and Niall had come to the library to study together, whereas Louis had followed Harry and had been steadily distracting his boyfriend the entire time they'd been there.

"Have we heard what?" Louis asked as he looked over at Zayn, who'd taken the seat next to him. So far, he was the only one paying attention to Zayn while both Harry and Niall busied themselves with quizzing each other over a quiz they had the next day. So far, it seemed Harry was getting every question correct, so maybe studying was a good idea. But there was also the fact that Harry was just so incredibly smart without even having to try.

"About Emma?" Zayn asked, his eyes widening as he looked at Louis, his voice hushed so as not to have anyone else listen in, but there was also the fact that the school's librarian could be a bit mean if anyone even slightly raised their voices.

"What about her, Zayn?" Harry asked after he'd sighed softly, lifting his head to look up at Zayn, a bit annoyed if he were being honest. Now not only did he had Louis as a destination but Zayn as well. "Come on, out with it." He said, urging Zayn on. But the sooner he finished his little gossip session, the sooner Harry could get back to studying.

"You guys seriously don't know?" Zayn asked as he looked between the three of them, almost amused by the fact that they didn't know. "It's been going around all day." He said as if that would suddenly make them all understand. "Right, well," Zayn said when they all continued to stare at him, leaning closer to the middle of the table and being mindful to keep his voice down, "you know how she's moving next week?" He asked, making them all nod a little to urge him on. "Well, I heard that the reason she's moving is that she's... pregnant." He said in a hushed whisper.

The four of them were quiet for a moment after that, trying to process this new piece of information, Harry and Niall's studies completely forgotten at this point. There was also the fact that Zayn could be wrong, that this was just another one of those rumors that spread like a rampant wildfire through their school. However, Emma's parents had always been rather strict and they were a pretty religious family, so it made a bit of sense that they'd send their daughter away after she'd gotten knocked up. There was also the fact that Emma had looked less than pleased these past few weeks, but the idea that someone in their grade was actually pregnant was a daunting thought. That, and it really was none of their business.

"Zayn, you don't know whether or not that's true," Harry said, being the first one to break the silence before he shook his head and reached for the study guide in Niall's grasp as he stared at Zayn. "Where did you even hear this from?" He asked. because although he didn't want to continue the gossip, he wanted to know how credible Zayn's sources were.

"Well, Luke was told by Ashton that Jackson was talking to Cara who happened to overhear that Sabrina and Savannah were talking about it," Zayn said as the three boys tried to piece together any of that. "Which means that it has to be true, right?" He asked as he looked between the three of them. "Sabrina and Savannah are her closest friends." He reminded softly and then sat back in his chair.

"People... overhear things and misconstrue what the conversation was originally about," Harry reminded as he watched Zayn for a moment and then let his eyes flick down to the near-forgotten study guide.

"So, who do you think the father is?" Louis asked curiously as he looked over at Zayn, his eyes flicking over to Harry when Harry gave him a look. "Oh, come on, H. Aren't you the least bit curious?" He asked with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"We shouldn't feed into gossip, Lou," Harry replied as he stared back at Louis. "Karma will bite you in the ass." He said, making Louis laugh a little. "Spreading rumors isn't a very nice thing to do." He reminded softly. "You're spreading around a rumor about a girl we've known since daycare days, Zayn," Harry said pointedly as he placed the study guide on the table in front of him. "Imagine if you were in her place."

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