chapter eleven

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"There's something I have to tell you," Louis said softly as he sat down next to Harry in his normal seat in health class. "And I don't know how you're going to react, but I'm guessing you're going to be mortified."

"Maybe I don't want to know actually," Harry shook his head as he looked at Louis and then looked down at his bookbag, taking his folder out so he could pull out the homework that was due today. "It's still pretty early in the day and I tend to... not want to be mortified this early in the day, as foreign of a concept as that may seem to you."

"Yeah, okay, but I have to tell you," Louis replied in a soft tone of voice. "So, just brace yourself, yeah?" He asked softly and then waited for Harry to nod his head or at least acknowledge him before he spoke again. "My mum knows we're... intimate," Louis admitted, whispering the last part closer to Harry so that no one around them could hear what he was saying.

"What!?" Harry asked a little too loudly, his eyes widening as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Shh," Louis said and then glanced around the room for a moment, waiting for people to look away before he looked at Harry again.

"Well?" Harry asked as he stared at his boyfriend. "Fucking explain or something." He said softly, making sure to be quieter this time but unluckily for him, the bell rang which meant class was starting and their teacher never really appreciated being talked over when she was starting class.

Harry very impatiently awaited an explanation from his boyfriend but did his best to pay attention to what their teacher was saying. When class ended and both boys had their stuff in their bags, Harry pulled Louis out of the classroom while Louis was still stuffing notes in his bag.

"Explain. Quickly." Harry said softly as they walked down the hallway together slowly and since they'd be going to their lunch table, he would prefer Louis to tell him what happened before they got to the table because their friends were very nosy.

"My mum asked me to clean my room last night and I did. But apparently, the cleaning I did wasn't good enough and so she came in to clean after me and sent me downstairs to watch the girls," He started and then sighed softly at his own stupidity, "she found... a condom wrapper and..."

"You cannot be serious right now, Lou," Harry said, feeling absolutely mortified if his blushing cheeks didn't already give that information away.

"She did the whole... calling my whole name thing like parents do when you're in trouble. I went upstairs to see why I was in trouble and she was just in my room... holding an empty condom wrapper and looking at me to give her an explanation." Louis shook his head. "She asked me if we were having sex and I couldn't just lie to my mum, Harry. Especially because I could tell that she just... knew. If I lied, she would know and it would be an even bigger deal." He said and then stopped, moving to stand in front of Harry. "Look, baby, I'm sorry. I should've made sure it was thrown out and I didn't. It's my fault."

"Lou..." Harry said and then let out a small sigh before letting his eyes reach Louis'. "What did she say after that?"

"She asked me how long we've been doing it and if we've always been using protection," Louis informed in a soft tone of voice. "I told her the truth about how long we've been doing it and I told her that we were using protection each time."

"So you didn't tell her about that one time that we didn't?" Harry asked softly as he looked at his boyfriend, nodding his head when Louis told him he hadn't.

"After that, we just... talked. She said that she wasn't the happiest in the world about it, but that she understood that ultimately it was our choice and that if we're doing it under her roof then we should both feel comfortable and mature enough to talk to her about what we're doing and if we ever have any questions... we should ask her." Louis said softly. "Ultimately, she loves us even if we are sex-crazed hormonal teenagers." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm never going to be able to look her in the eye again." Harry shook his head and Louis smiled a little before stepping beside Harry again so that they could continue making their way to the cafeteria. "What if she tells my mum?" He asked as he looked over at Louis.

"We talked about that too. I told her you weren't comfortable with your mum knowing just yet. She said she understood and that although she thinks you should tell your mum, she understands that it is your choice." Louis replied softly and then took Harry's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers together as they walked.

Once they'd made it to the cafeteria, Louis and Harry sat in their normal seats and Harry pulled out his lunch much like he always did and began eating slowly even though he didn't feel that hungry at all.

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost, Styles?" Zayn asked as he looked over at Harry, immediately noticing the tenseness on his face.

"I'm fine," Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he looked over at Zayn. "Just have a bit of a headache." He said, and it wasn't exactly a lie. Harry did have a headache today, although it wasn't too bad.

"I hate Bella," Ashton said as he sat at the lunch table with his friends, glancing over at Luke and Bella just like he did every single day of the week.

"You don't hate her. You're just jealous," Eleanor replied and then looked over at the 'happy' couple. 

"Jealous?" Ashton questioned and then looked over at Eleanor. "Of her? Really?" He shook his head and then looked over at Luke and Bella again before Luke turned his head to look right back at Ashton, making Ashton quickly turn his head away.

"Yes, really," Eleanor replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "Like, I get it. I do. But don't hate Bella because Luke cheated on you or... something." She said softly because she wasn't sure if Ashton and Luke were ever officially together or not.

"We never dated," Ashton said softly as he looked down at his tray of food. "Which is why none of this is fair." He pointed out and looked up at Luke and Bella again. "How come she gets a relationship with him?" He shook his head.

"Dude, they'll break up soon anyway," Niall said as he peeked up from his phone, Liam nodding in agreement. "Bella never sticks to a guy for that long. Guarantee you that she'll stick it out for Christmas and then by New Year's she'll be kissing some other bloke."

"Yeah, and then Luke will be all heartbroken and will come crawling back to you begging for forgiveness," Zayn said and then looked over at Ashton. "Who wants to bet on it?"

"Zayn, shut up." Eleanor laughed a little and then gently elbowed him in the ribs. "While I'm all for making Ashton feel better, let's not slut-shame some girl we know absolutely nothing about," Eleanor said and then looked at all the guys around the table.

"Yeah, yeah," Zayn said softly and then rolled his eyes playfully before looking back over at Eleanor with a small smile.

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