chapter twenty

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— january —

Harry looked over himself in the mirror and then sighed softly, looking at his stomach with a small frown

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Harry looked over himself in the mirror and then sighed softly, looking at his stomach with a small frown. He was starting to show and that was a problem considering that the only people who knew about his pregnancy, other than himself, was Eleanor and Emma and not the one person who probably mattered the most. Louis.

"Harry, it isn't that bad," Eleanor promised as she sat on the counter next to the sink, looking at Harry's developing baby bump. "I mean... I guess if you keep your shirt up and stare you'd be able to tell. People might just think it's a bit of pudge though."

"El, it doesn't look like pudge it looks like I'm pregnant," Harry replied and then looked over at his friend before looking at his stomach again. "Plus, if someone accidentally touches it, you can definitely tell it isn't just a little bit of pudge."

"Can I feel?" Eleanor asked softly as she watched Harry, who nodded his head and then walked closer to her. "Woah," Eleanor said softly, a small smile set on her lips as she placed her hand on the little baby bump.

"Yeah," Harry replied and then shook his head. "Looks like I'm never having sex with my boyfriend again." He sighed and then let his shirt drop.

"Well, until you tell him maybe," Eleanor said and then gave Harry a confused look. "What?" She questioned softly.

"Well for one, I'm not even sure he'll want to... be around after I tell him. Secondly, I don't think he'll want to have sex with me even if he does stick around." Harry admitted quietly.

"What? Why would you think that?" Eleanor asked and then looked down at her phone to check the time, just as Harry's phone started ringing.

"Hey, we'll be out in a minute," Harry said into the phone after he'd answered and waited for a response before hanging up. "Our ride is here." He informed and then sighed softly, looking himself over in the mirror. "Don't say a word about it." He reminded before opening the bathroom door, the two of them making their way downstairs.

"So, why is it that I'm taking you to some mysterious location?" Asher asked as he was leaned against the side of his car, looking at the two younger teens.

"Uh, because I'm your girlfriend's younger brother and you want me to like you," Harry answered and gave Ashton a small smile.

"Right, okay," Asher shook his head and then opened the back door for the two of them, Eleanor and Harry sliding into the back of the car soon after. "So... where to?" Asher asked as he got into the car, buckling himself up.

"We're going to the clinic where my mum works," Eleanor answered as she and Harry buckled themselves in.

"Know the address?" Asher asked as he looked down at his phone, putting the address in after Eleanor told him it. "Why are we going there exactly?"

"We aren't. El and I are," Harry replied as he watched Asher as he pulled out of the driveway. "There's no reason, really. Can't we just go to the clinic without being interrogated?" He asked and Asher was quiet for a while. Up until they arrived at the clinic.

"I'll go find my mum," Eleanor said softly and then said goodbye to Asher before getting out of the car and then made her way inside.


"Look, just don't tell my sister, okay?" Harry asked as he unbuckled himself and then looked at Asher as his head turned to look at him.

"I won't say a word," Asher said and then nodded his head a little. "I'll stay out here and wait if you want. To take you home." He said and offered the boy a small smile.

"Thanks, Ash," Harry said and then gave him a smile. "You can come in if you want. Wait in the waiting room instead of in the car. It's kind of cold out." He said and Asher hummed softly.

"Then let's go, curly," Asher said and then unbuckled himself before getting out of the car, along with Harry. "Can't wait to get tons of weird looks."

"Why would you get weird looks?" Harry asked as he looked up at the older boy as they walked up to the doors together.

"Just wait," Asher replied and then gave Harry a small smile before opening the door for him. Harry thanked him before walking inside, his eyes scanning for his best friend, who was nowhere to be found. However, there were a ton of other people littered throughout the waiting room. Women, men, young mothers and their babies or children, and most of their eyes landed on the two teens who'd just walked in.

"Geez, it's like they know," Harry said as he took a seat in the nearest available seat by the door.

"Yeah," Asher smiled a little and then sat next to Harry, "and I'm assuming they all think I'm the baby daddy." He chuckled.

"Gross," Harry laughed and then looked over at Asher. "My sister may like you, but I don't see the appeal." He said and then looked over his face.

"Oh, really? I'm hurt." Asher joked and then rolled his eyes playfully. "You wish I was the baby daddy." He whispered after a moment and then laughed at the way Harry looked at him.

"Shut up, no I don't," Harry rolled his eyes and then looked around for Eleanor a bit. "And stop saying 'baby daddy'." He said as he looked back over at his sister's boyfriend.

"Let me say it one last time," Asher said and then smiled a little. "Who is the baby daddy?" He asked softly.

"What do you mean? You met him," Harry replied and then looked at Asher again. "My boyfriend. Louis." He reminded him.

"So, why isn't he here?" Asher asked with a curious look on his face. "I mean, obviously the kid couldn't drive you. But he could still be here with you, you know?" He asked and then Harry was quiet. "You haven't told him yet?" He said and looked over at Harry again.

"There's El," Harry said and then stood up, making his way over to his friend.

"Mum said that you need to fill these out," Eleanor said and then handed Harry a clipboard with papers on it and a pen, "but that you could fill them out back here." She said and then led Harry to one of the examination rooms, shutting the door behind them.

Eleanor told Harry that her mother would come in to examine him soon, but while he waited, he and Eleanor chatted and joked around while filling out the forms. Once the door opened, Dr. Calder was stood in the doorway and then gave Harry her regular charming smile.

"Good morning, Harry," She spoke and then closed the door behind her. "Any trouble filling the forms out?" She asked as she went to put on a new pair of gloves.

"Think I've just about gotten all the way through them," Harry replied and then gave her a smile back.

"Great," She replied and then glanced over at her daughter. "Are you staying, El?"

"If Harry wants me to," Eleanor replied and then looked over at Harry for an answer. Harry nodded his head, wanting Eleanor to stay in the room with him because he was nervous.

Harry was asked to sit in the examination chair and he nodded, putting the clipboard on the counter and then walked over to the chair, taking a seat in it, feeling even more nervous as he sat there.

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