chapter twenty-two

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"Told you it wouldn't work out very well," Eleanor whispered to Harry as they sat on the couch in Zayn's basement.

"I knew it wouldn't," Harry replied as he watched Ashton and Luke completely ignore each other.

Ashton was sat on the other couch, with his arms crossed and his eyes glued to the television screen, not daring to look over at Bella and Luke sitting together on the far end of the room, cuddled together.

"Should we go talk to h—"

"Honestly, I don't know," Harry interrupted and then shrugged his shoulders a little. "It isn't really our place to step in, you know?" He asked and then looked over at Eleanor.

There was an awkward tension in the air, and Harry wondered if anyone else besides he and Eleanor could feel it. Harry couldn't help but think about whether or not he would be in Ashton's position if he were to tell Louis the news. The thing is that he trusted Louis, so wholeheartedly that he would trust him with his life, but news like this — it made things confusing in Harry's head.

Being told that you're going to be a father in less than nine months when you've just turned fifteen isn't exactly the greatest news you'd ever hear in your life. Harry still had hope though, that Louis would stay with him and help him figure out what he was supposed to do.

After he told Louis, Harry would have to tell both his mother and Louis' parents, but even the thought of that didn't scare him as much as having to tell Louis.

"Don't say anything," Louis said softly from beside Harry because Eleanor looked as if she would say something at any point in time now.

"Why not?" Eleanor asked Louis softly in a hushed voice.

"Well, because—"

"Hey, we have to get going," Luke announced as he stood up, along with Bella. "I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Luke asked and Zayn nodded his head before most of the room told the two goodbyes as they both went up the stairs together.

It was now very much quiet throughout the room, Ashton still pouting while the movie on the television continued to play. Ashton looked miserable, that much was obvious,"

"I have to say something," Eleanor whispered to Louis and Harry as her eyes glanced back over at their friend.

"El, no—"

"Ash, what do you even see in him?" Eleanor asked aloud from across the room as she watched Ashton. It was as if the room had grown even quieter after that point. Ashton didn't answer or even glance over in Eleanor's direction until a few moments had passed.

"I don't know," Ashton answered honestly as his eyes flickered up to Eleanor's and then shrugged his shoulders, the rest of his friends just sitting there either listening or watching him.

"Then... why do you continue to let him hurt you?" Eleanor asked, concerned that Ashton was letting Luke hurt him.

"If I wanted to talk about it, I would talk about it," Ashton said softly. "I don't want to talk about it. In fact, I don't even want the thought of me and Luke in any context to even cross any thoughts in any of your heads." Ashton continued. "You are... allowed to have thoughts and opinions about the situation... but don't sit here and pretend to understand what's happening."

"Ash I didn't mean—"

"No, of course you didn't, El. Which is why I'm telling you that I am fine. You don't have to worry about me. You don't have to worry about Luke. I'm upset right now, but that is normal. I'm allowed to be hurt and upset even if I am doing it to myself, okay? Just let me... hurt." Ashton said and then shrugged his shoulders. "If I want to talk about it, I'll let you know, okay?" He asked and then she nodded. "And that goes for the rest of you as well." He said and the rest of the people in the room nodded. "Can we continue watching the movie? Or... we could talk about something else?" He offered, wanting the subject to change.

"We could talk about the fact that I caught Louis and Harry in the sho—" Zayn started, being interrupted by a pillow being thrown directly into Zayn's face. "Hey... that hurt," Zayn said as he looked over at Louis, who had thrown the pillow.

"You promised," Louis reminded as he watched Zayn and Zayn rolled his eyes at his words but nodded his head anyways before throwing the pillow back at Louis, who just caught it.

"Liam has a girlfriend," Niall said as he looked over at Liam. "As of yesterday." He informed a playful smile on his lips.

"What?" Harry asked as he looked over at Liam. "Who? Do we know here?" Harry asked as he watched Liam, who was blushing and looking away from the rest of them.

"Her name is Aubrey," Liam started and then smiled a little. "And she's... relatively new, so I'm not sure if any of you know her."

"And you've been talking to her yet haven't introduced her to the most amazing friend group anyone could ever have?" Zayn questioned as he looked at Liam, who only rolled his eyes.

"No, because I don't want you all to scare her off." Liam shook his head and then laughed a little. "Plus, she's always busy at cheer practice so it's not like she can always just come over and hang out."

"Yeah, but we have lunch together every single day." Niall pointed out as he watched Liam and then shrugged his shoulders. "You should let us meet her." He smiled at the boy and Liam took a moment before nodding.

"Yes, I'll finally have another girl to hang out with in the group," Eleanor said and then Louis gave her a questioning look. "Um, Bella is sort of part of the group, isn't she?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't think she likes me very much if I'm being honest," Eleanor admitted and then shrugged her shoulders because while it didn't really bother her, she still wished that Bella liked her at least a little bit.

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