chapter thirty-three

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After making his way out of the cafeteria, Luke stood by the lockers for a moment to just to collect himself. Part of him knew that Eleanor was right, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to actually fully realize this. Instead, he made his way to the library where he assumed that Ashton would be because that's the place Ashton usually went to clear his head.

Once he walked into the library, he looked around until his eyes found Ashton, then made his way over to the table Ashton was sitting at. He was reading a book and had a pair of earphones in and he looked relaxed, which made Luke question whether or not he really wanted to bother Ashton, but Ashton was the only person he could talk to.

"Ash," Luke whispered softly as he sat next to Ashton at the table, tapping the boy to get his attention. He could tell Ashton was ignoring him, making him roll his eyes before he pulled one of Ashton's earphones out. "Are you ignoring me?" He asked quietly, making Ashton glance over at him for a moment before looking back down at his book.

"No," Ashton answered softly with a small shrug of his shoulders as he paused the music coming from his phone, taking the other earbud out. "Not intentionally, at least." He said and then closed his book, setting it aside, along with his phone to give Luke his full attention. "What do you want?" He asked, but Luke stayed silent because he never really knew how to tell Ashton what he wanted. "I'm not going down on you in the bathroom, so if that's what you want, I suggest you go ahead and lea—"

"That's not what I want," Luke shook his head and then was quiet for a moment. "Well, I mean, I wouldn't mind getting a blow job right now, but it's not what I came here for." He said with a small smirk, not being able to help his dirty thoughts. "Did you know Louis and Harry are having a baby?" He asked softly.

"You came all the way to the library... to ask me if I knew Harry was pregnant?" Ashton asked Luke who only shrugged his shoulders in response. "Yeah, I knew. Harry told me the other day." He admitted and then watched Luke.

"What? And you didn't tell me?" Luke questioned softly, still trying his hardest not to be too loud because it was a library after all, plus this was a pretty secretive topic, or so he had been told. 

"Why would I tell you, Luke?" Ashton asked and then shook his head before biting down on his bottom lip gently. "I don't really care much for spreading around other people's business." He reminded softly and then picked his bookbag up in order to put his book inside as well as his earphones. "Why do you care?"

"Because they're having a baby. You're acting as if this isn't possibly the worst news that people our age can get, Ash. And, on top of that, they're acting as if things are completely normal with them. It's... odd." Luke said softly and then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Okay, Luke, I came here to be alone. To... think and breathe and exist without having to worry about people trying to talk to me about something I'm not even involved in." Ashton said and then looked over at Luke as he zipped up his bookbag. "The point is, you already knew that's why I come here. So, what do you want, Luke? You know, other than wanting to annoy me as much as possible." He added and then awaited a response, but Luke stayed silent for a few moments.

"I wanted to... apologize for—"

"Oh, my god," Ashton said and then shook his head before getting up from the table, putting his bookbag on. "Don't bother with any more apologies, Luke. I'm sick of them." He said as he watched Luke for a moment. 

"No, listen, I'm actually trying to—"

"I don't care," Ashton said, his voice a little bit louder, earning him glares and looks from other people in the library with them. "You want me to listen to you? Give me a reason to." He said softer this time before he pushed his chair in and made his way towards the exit.

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