chapter seven

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"He asked me to be his girlfriend," Gemma said as she was lying on her stomach on Harry's bed, watching her younger brother tidy up his room like their mother had asked him to minutes ago. Instead of helping, she sat there and watched, like the good sister she was.

"Who?" Harry questioned softly as his eyes looked up at his older sister who looked like she was totally and completely happy.

"Asher," Gemma answered as if it were the most obvious answer in the whole world. Truthfully, Harry didn't know where Gemma stood when it came to Asher. He thought that either they were already dating or just flirting, but Gemma rarely told him anything until it was a done deal.

"Oh," Harry replied and then shrugged his shoulders as he went back to tidying his room. "Kind of already thought you two were together." He admitted softly as he put his shoes in his closet on the shelf where they were supposed to go instead of being haphazardly thrown somewhere in his bedroom. "Aren't you sleeping together?" He asked, and maybe it was odd that he knew this information, but there was the rare occasion when Gemma told Harry something personal or... he overheard her talking on the phone to one of her friends.

"Harry," Gemma said and then stood up quickly, walking over to Harry's bedroom door to shut it gently. Harry guessed it was because she was worried their mum would hear. "Just because we're.... doing what we're doing, it doesn't make us a couple. You don't have to be in a relationship with someone to... do stuff."

"Really? Because in sex education, my teacher said the exact opposite of that." Harry admitted as he glanced up at his sister.

"Well, you're in a relationship with Louis. That doesn't mean you're sleeping with him. Right?" Gemma asked, trying to prove a point, but clearly, Harry knew a lot more about her sex life than she knew about his.

"Yeah. I see what you're saying." Harry said, trying to play it cool so that Gemma wouldn't suspect anything. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed her watching him curiously and only hoped she wouldn't catch on.

"You're totally having sex with him, aren't you?" Gemma asked after a few moments of silence, Harry's worst nightmare coming true. Well, that's not exactly true. His worst nightmare would be his mother finding out, but much like Gemma, he planned on never telling her and pretending he was a virgin at least until he moved out of the house.

"No," Harry said, but he'd hesitated on accident and Gemma soon caught on, her jaw-dropping at the new information. "Gemma, it's none of your business, okay? If I wanted to tell you, I would've told you already, but I didn't." He said, giving up because at this point she already knew.

"Harry, you're fourteen," Gemma said softly as if Harry needed some sort of reminder of just how old he was. "You're both fourteen." She pointed out and Harry only rolled his eyes as he threw his dirty clothes into his laundry hamper.

"You're going to judge me for sleeping with my boyfriend? Seriously?" Harry asked as he looked over at her. "You've slept with three guys since school started back." He pointed out and she only sighed softly.

"Yeah, but... Harry, I'm older than you. And those guys didn't matter to me. Well, except for Asher but that isn't the point." Gemma said and then continued watching her younger brother. "Harry, I'm not judging you, okay? I swear I'm not. It's your decision when you want to be... intimate with another human being and you both consent to it. It's just that sometimes sex complicates things."

"What do you mean?" Harry questioned softly as he motioned for her to stand up so that he could make his bed, getting to work when she did.

"I mean that," she started as she moved to sit on top of Harry's desk in the corner of his room, "things get complicated. Sex is very... adult. There's the risk of STD's and pregnancy and... not to mention the chance of you two breaking up and you're little heart might get completely shattered." Gemma said, speaking from experience.

"We're using protection," Harry replied quietly, still being cautious because his mother was home." And neither one of us is sleeping with anyone else. As for the whole possible break up thing, I'm no fortune teller, but I'm hoping that'll never happen. If it does then... yeah, I'll be heartbroken. But we are together right now and happy and I think that's all that matters. Look, just please, please don't tell mum, Gems." He said as he turned around to face her.

"I'm not going to tell mum, Harry," Gemma promised and offered her younger brother a small smile. "Just... if you ever have any questions or if you need advice... my room is right down the hall." She said and then shrugged her shoulders. "I can't stop you from doing what you're going to do, but I can always be there for you."

"Thanks," Harry said softly as he fixed the pillows over his comforter. "You and El are the only two people who know besides me and Louis. You can't tell a soul, okay?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Your secret is safe with me, little bro," Gemma replied and then Harry rolled his eyes in response. "Anyways, Asher asked me to be his girlfriend and, like, that's a huge step because he's never been great at the whole commitment thing. He said he couldn't bear the thought of me with anyone who isn't him. It was so romantic and sweet and... I think I could love him, you know?"

"Yeah?" Harry asked and then glanced over at his sister. "That's a large statement, Gems." He chuckled lightly.

"I know, but it's true." Gemma hummed softly. "I think that he's my future husband. The future father of my kids." She smiled and then Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"We can only hope, Gems," Harry replied softly as he finished tidying his room. "Nice chat, but mum said I could go stay at Zayn's this weekend if I cleaned my room and Louis' mum should be here to pick me up at any moment, so I need to pack a bag." He said softly and then pulled a backpack out of his closet so that he could pack to go to Zayn's house. Along with his boyfriend and his other friends.

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