chapter twenty-seven

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"What's up with you two?" Zayn asked as he looked in between Louis and Harry who seemed as if they were pretending one another didn't exist. Which seemed odd because the two of them were always pressed together as if they literally couldn't be pulled apart. "Don't tell me the two of you broke up. The whole world would fall apart if that were the case," Zayn teased with a small smile, but it dropped when Eleanor gently elbowed him in the ribs to hopefully get him to shut it.

"No, we didn't," Harry answered softly, but he wasn't sure what else he was supposed to say. He didn't want to lie and say that they were in an argument or something like that, because they weren't. They weren't ignoring each other, they were just being a little less close than usual. 

"Then why are you two acting so... distant?" Liam asked curiously and then looked over towards the doorway of the cafeteria, motioning for a brunette girl to come over to their table.

"So... usually the lot of you are begging us not to be all over each other every time we see each other, but now you're begging for us to be closer than we are right now?" Louis asked with an amused smile as he looked around the table. "Makes a lot of sense." He said as the girl Liam had waved over sat down next to him, in between Niall and Liam now.

"This is Aubrey," Liam introduced, the tanned girl giving a small wave at the table and then looked over at Liam with a small smile when everyone told her hello. "Let me introduce you to everyone, yeah?" 

"Sure," Aubrey gave him a smile and then looked around at everyone at the table when Liam went to introduce them.

"This is Niall, but you know him already," Liam started, "and that's Harry and Louis, that's Luke and Bella, Ashton, Eleanor, Zayn, and then me," He smiled and Aubrey nodded a little, offering Liam a sweet smile.

"Nice to meet you all," Aubrey said and then began eating the lunch on her tray, paying attention to everyone when someone began speaking again.

"Look, all I'm saying is that usually, the two of you are cuddled together and whispering to each other instead of really being a part of the conversation, which is fine. But the two of you aren't talking to anyone at the table, nor are you talking to each other," Zayn said as he stared at Harry and Louis, who were sat across from him. "It's weird, right?" Zayn asked as he looked at his friends around the table.

"It's a little weird," Luke admitted and then Niall gave a small nod of agreement, and so did Ashton even though lately he'd been pretending as if Luke didn't exist. 

"Oh, my god," Louis said with a small sigh and then wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him close gently. "Happy?" Louis asked as he laid his head on top of Harry's.

"Feels a little forced if you ask me," Zayn said after a few moments of silence and then laughed a little. "Whatever, I still think something is going on with the two of you."

"Right, well there isn't," Harry assured and then cuddled a little closer to Louis without much thought because it just felt so natural.

"Sure, whatever you say," Zayn laughed a little and then dodged a grape that Harry threw at him. "Oi, not nice," Zayn shook his head. "So glad we're adding girls to the group, by the way."

"Was I not enough for you, Z?" Eleanor asked with a small laugh and Zayn only shook his head.

"Not nearly enough," Zayn teased softly and then shook his head. "No, I just mean that... our friend group consists of two straight guys, three gay guys, two bisexual guys, and a girl. Well, before anyways."

"Oh, I don't get a labeled sexuality?" Eleanor asked as she looked at Zayn and then Zayn only hummed softly as he thought about.

"No, wait, more importantly, who is the second bi guy, because I'm pretty sure Luke is the only bisexual," Liam said as he looked over at Zayn.

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